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While it would be awesome of Ninty put out a new big title every other week, they simply cannot. Especially when 3rd parties are ignoring them.

However, They had games throughout the end of the year and only January has thus far been barren.... like every other console currently on the market.

Jan was dead for everyone as they busted their load Oct/Nov/Dec.
Feb had a couple small titles plus DKCTF.
Mar looks to be empty.
Apr has some small games and a good looking title from Ubi.
May has some small plus big MK.

That's all they've discussed so far. Spring. Summer we know will have Watch_Dogs and other smaller titles... possibly something bigger like bayonetta2, who knows.

Point is, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Hell, I have 19 games owned plus another 23 VC titles and still have 5 games on my backlog to buy.

Anyone bitching Wii U has not games right now either lacks a decent gaming preference or has no life outside of gaming.