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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo makes better video games than everyone else

Hard to argue with this logic. It's a well known fact that Wii Sports is the greatest game of all time. And obviously all Nintendo fans agree that it's mathematically proven to be several times better than Xenoblade, SMG, and even the all-mighty Wii Fit.

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i agree with you. and your logic is flawless.

RolStoppable said:
XboneWins said:
That's like, your opinion.

People put their money on cheap beer while they could have a good wine. Why? Because beer is more accessible to general population.

Does that make cheap beer better?

I don't see how your analogy applies here. Nintendo games are notorious for maintaining their original MSRP for a longer time than any other games and still have better legs. Thus Nintendo would be the good wine and the rest would be the cheap beer.

They maintain it because Nintendo doesn't authorise huge price cuts on their software, regardless of whether or not its selling. Thats just Nintendo's pricing approach. Skyward Sword is still near full price at, but we all know that game isn't selling anymore. Comparatively the Last of Us is down to £25 but its obviously the better seller and higher rated game.

Whereas other companies lower sales to generate impulse purchases and incourage late adopters, Nintendo simply doesn't care. Nintendo also benefits from having very little competition on their platform compared to the stellar 3rd games found on other successful platforms.

But I agree that of all the 3 Nintendo's titles are most consistent across the board, unfortunately they lack diversity.  

RolStoppable said:
pokoko said:
It hurts to say but there is no way I can call the results valid.

It's like, Playstation and Xbox are cable and Nintendo is over the air broadcasting. If you have the highest rated show with 187 other channels against you, wow. That's impressive. If you have the highest rated show with 4 other channels against ... well, yeah.

Nintendo often misses out on third-party software. Right? I've heard a lot of people get angry over that. Nintendo often gets gimped versions. Right? I've heard a lot of people get angry over that. I've also heard people get angry over late ports and spin-offs that aren't as good as the original.

Basically, Nintendo software is Glee facing off against The Mindy Project and America's Next Top Model. Goodness, Nintendo wins against competition like that? Who knew.

Except that Nintendo came out on top even on their systems that had good third party support.

Pardon, I thought you said "makes" and not "made".  Though, for reference, when was the last time that Nintendo had the best third-party support?

Yes they do.

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RolStoppable said:

I know that I am stating the obvious when I say that Nintendo makes better video games than everyone else, but sometimes it's necessary to remind us of the most basic things. It's also easy to explain why Nintendo is better than the rest.

People put their money towards the best games.

That's the premise. Again, I am stating something incredibly obvious here; it's hard to disagree with it, because it seems preposterous to suggest that people deliberately go out to buy bad games time and time again. Starting with this premise, we can look at the historical bestsellers lists of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft consoles and conclude the following:

Nintendo software > Third party software
Third party software > Sony software
Third party software > Microsoft software

By means of logical reasoning, we can also conclude:

Nintendo software > Sony software
Nintendo software > Microsoft software

The only thing left to do is to determine third place between Sony software and Microsoft software, but that doesn't seem important, so I'll save myself the time. Besides, going beyond five paragraphs exceeds the attention span of most readers.



During this Gen, I diffenitely agree with this.

During the 6th Gen I felt more like:

3rd party (from PS2 to GameCube) > Nintendo > Microsoft & Sony

During the 7th Gen I felt like:

Handheld > Home Console


I feel that the 3DS is the best of this Gen, but I like Japanese games much more then Western games, and always have.

generic-user-1 said:
MegaManX said:
Do they make the best platformer and kart racing, definately the latter mostly the former, there are many great platform games made by others.

Do they make the best FPS? No
Third Person Shooter? No
Racing Game? No
Puzzle Game? No
Light Gun/Rail Shooter? No
Fighting Game? No
Sandbox Game? No
Beat Em Up? No
Run and Gun? No
Vertical/Horizontal Shooter? No
Arcade Games/Arcade Style? No
Party Games? Sure
Text/Point and Click Adventures? No
Survival Horror? No
Stealth Game? No
City Building/Management Sims-ish? No
Strategy? No
Sports? No
Hack and Slash? No
Tower Defense? No

Can't think of any other genres but Nintendo has great Party games (if you don't consider playing online party games), best Kart racers and great platform games but there are plenty of great platformers over the years.

well sony and m$ are the best in what genre? cashburning an spying?

and i would says nintendo had the best jrpg last gen. Xenoblade chronicles was realy realy good. atlus is doing fine too, close call.

I wasn't implying that Sony or MS develop the best in any genre, that would be as subjective as the OP.  But there are tons of developers out there who do just about every one of those genres better than Nintendo, but to be honest most of those genres N doesn't even touch, so unless you live on a diet of kart racers, party games and platformers, I don't know how you could look at N as the best, consistant in quality for the most part but not the best. 

As far as Xenoblade Chronicles, weren't they developed by Monolift Soft, not Nintendo.  I think the OP was stating N makes the best games but this isn't one they made.  They published it but that doesn't mean they had any artistic input, I could be wrong on this particular example, but N has other studios produce games based on their franchises, but while they may be their characters the game is not made by Nintendo, so I wouldn't count it as anything other than a N exclusive.  The credit goes to the developer for making the game.  Same can be said for the DKC brand, with either Retro or Rare making them.  

Also isn't XC part of the Xenosaga series, maybe a spinoff but it's not an exclusive N franchise, at least it wasn't until recently.  

Finally there are many geners I listed and even more if you want to break them down further or include some others I didn't.  And for the most part N doesn't touch most of them, so I fail to see how Nintendo is the best.  They stick with what they know but they haven't branched out in genres much and that limits their appeal to fans that aren't into platformers or kart racers.  

I guess it's how you want to define it, just because Sony or N or MS owns a subsidiary or has a devleoper make exclusives for their systems, doesn't make it their game, so I wouldn't count the DKC brand anymore as made by Nintendo as I would the Last of Us or Jak and Daxter which were made by Naught Dog, though I could be wrong since I don't pay a lot of attention to that side of gaming and if someone smarter than I can correct me if I'm wrong, I'd be happy to be corrected.  

I agree, exactly like Psy who creates  better songs than everyone else.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m



Aerys said:
Justin bieber makes the better songs than everyone else

Doesn't Psy singles, sell way more then Bieber?

Fixed ( and better analogy since Psy is an asian man :)

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m