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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mario 64 Proves That Fans Are Wrong Saying "It's Fine For A Launch Title"

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Frequency said:

ethomaz, name another console released between June 1996 and September 1999. The PS1 was already out and doing great on its own, they were alone in releasing a console, and it was set to be the most powerful one available, they had the time needed to get Mario 64 as good as possible as it was the flagship title for demonstrating the systems power.

Only two titles were playable as of november 1995, indeed the only two titles available at launch were pilotwings and mario 64, so they had their entire team developing a successor to the snes, and working on the game.

These days we expect dozens of titles available at launch where multiple systems are vying for the consumers attention, using mario 64 as "proof" that "its a launch title what do you expect" is critically flawed.

I agree that its bullshit that "its a launch game" should be used as an excuse, but using mario 64 is going the wrong way about bringing up the point.

I give a list with over 20 great launchs games... I will add to the OP

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This thread deserves a medal. I can understand some nuances with a new system throwing a developer off early on when they're making games for it which might cause a few hiccups, but never enough to actually make a game boring, short, or feeling stripped down. At that point, it's just pitiful.


Veknoid_Outcast said:
Completely agree. It's been very strange to see people defending mediocre launch titles citing "launch title" as a mitigating factor. Some of the greatest games of all time have been launch games: Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, SoulCalibur, Halo: Combat Evolved, Twilight Princess.

The twilight princess was a joke right? Doesn't most people consider it subpar?

kupomogli said:

Mario 64 sucks in my opinion.  Artificially extending play time by forcing you to go back through the same ridiculously small stage over and over again to collect stars. 

I'm not going to agree Mario 64 sucks, but by today's standard of new games it would be considered a lazy thrown together game.

I would argue Sonic Adventure is a better and more ambitious game. But it loses a lot points for being buggy as fuck.

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Conina said:
NightDragon83 said:

I'm sure if Sony and M$ delayed PSOne (see what I did there?)

Yes, I see it and I don't like it... there is already a PSOne out there,

No kidding, that's the point.  It's meant to be funny and ironic... especially when you consider the fact that there was already an Xbox 1 out there before Xbox One was released...

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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To Sony and Nintendos defense this gen it takes about a year for their first party to kick in. Gaming development isnt a quick as it used to be. To Microsofts defense the third parties they are buying games from or are paying to create their games either arent finished or are still finishing games on short notice.

morenoingrato said:
Great thread.

I also attribute this phenomenon to the rise of DLC and patches.

Plus the the process of beig ok'ed by console manufacturers being less tight. Back in the day there would be no way you would be allowed to put a game on shelves that immediately needed to be patched. It also creates senario's where developers can choose not to fix their games if it doesn't look like its going to sell anyways. I cant believe it is not illegal to put games obviously not finished. 

stlwtng4Dmdrxip said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Completely agree. It's been very strange to see people defending mediocre launch titles citing "launch title" as a mitigating factor. Some of the greatest games of all time have been launch games: Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, SoulCalibur, Halo: Combat Evolved, Twilight Princess.

The twilight princess was a joke right? Doesn't most people consider it subpar?

I wouldn't say so, no. Then again, a lot of people thought Wind Waker was 'subpar' or in some cases 'bad', yet:

Even the most hated of the series, Skyward Sword, is still considered to be outstanding:

I personally hated it, but a concensus is a concensus.  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

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The N64 honestly probably has the greatest 1st/2nd party lineup for its first year ever ...

Super Mario 64
Wave Race 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Pilotwings 64
Blast Corps
Killer Instinct Gold


I even found that Star Wars game (for its time) to be fun. If they had any sense and had compromised with 3rd parties by adding a CD-ROM drive in addition to the cartridge port, Nintendo probably wins that generation fairly easily. 

Completely agree with the OP.