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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - As a hardcore Nintendo fan, I demand that Nintendo caters to us

NintendoPie said:
Dulfite said:

You people and your graphics. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan because they make games that are UNIQUE feeling (gameplay wise). The graphics have been acceptable to me since the gamecube era. I don't need modern day graphics and I certainly don't need anything better looking than the Wii U. I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't make super HD $500 consoles that have no true innovation.

What are you talking about? How can you say that graphics aren't innovative?

Are you going to tell me next that the Wii wasn't a fad? Pah!

There not. Innovative means introducing something truly unique and new to something. For instance, in Mario and Luigi: Bowsers inside story you have to tilt the DS sideways and literally blow into the mic in order for Bowser to puff out flames. THAT is innovation. THAT is introducing something UNIQUE in gameplay mechanics. Making something have more shine or pixels does not make it more unique, it just makes it look better.

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RazorDragon said:

Your post sums everything up. Don't forget that with better graphics, we'll need games with more shades of brown and grey and blood. Much more blood. Price isn't a problem, since we need better resolution to handle 4K games and everything, since that's the most important thing to have. Also, Nintendo's been skipping on hardcore controllers, drop everything that isn't what we had for 10 years or so in controllers and make one with that. Nintendo could learn with those chinese 3rd party companies on how to make nice controllers based off existing ones.

It's ironic you say this given RE4, a Gamecube game, was one of the first advocates of this. Just saying.

Carl2291 said:

As a Nintendo fan myself I can say that 1080p at 60fps simply isnt good enough when we see what the true next gen systems are capable of.

I want experiences like Ryse and Knack on my Nintendo consoles.

Nintendo consoles don't need mediocre games like Ryse and Knack, thanks.


And you've seen what a true next gen system is capable of??? What PC do you have ? :)

Akvod said:
Well, here's a thought. Do the hardcore Nintendo fans really care about graphics that much?

To me, Nintendo is a lot like Disney. The characters and brands they have are their real main strength.

So in order for Nintendo to really grow, they need to cater to non-Nintendo fans. They need to expand their market. With 2 other companies already going for the gamers who want top notch graphics and play shooters, should they really go after them?

I think that Nintendo should focus on:
1) Strengthening their position with their core group, which are the long time Nintendo fans and children
2) Try to attract other types of adult gamers, by focusing on differentiating genres like JRPGs.

I have to agree with that. such a insightful post in a fun-thread.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Here's a simple solution...just Switch to Xbox one or ps4

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RolStoppable said:

Nintendo is a great company, they really are. But for too long now they have held graphics back. While Sony and Microsoft entered the HD era in 2006 and 2005, respectively, it took until 2012 before Nintendo finally caught up. And even then, only to be left in the dust again only one year later. So now we have the Wii U and get to see Nintendo games in HD for the first time, but it's not quite enough. We need moar graphics.

Since the casuals are gone anyway, I propose that Nintendo caters to us, and us only. They should just drop the Wii U and move on to the next console as soon as possible. Holiday 2014 would be great, but 2015 is probably more realistic. Finish up the Wii U games that are close to release and launch them as planned, but move the rest to N7 right away.

Such a drastic shift in strategy will obviously come at a price. With Nintendo focusing on the Nintendo hardcore, an adjusted business model will be necessary in order for Nintendo to continue to provide the level of quality that we expect and demand. It's simple economics: If the volume of sales is drastically lower, the profit margin on each individual unit must be higher to make up for it. Since there aren't more than a couple of million of us (and that's a very generous estimate), this is a necessary measure. The console will launch at $/€600, games will go for $/€200 a piece. Either that or Nintendo sells out and goes third party.


Fuck that shit! What Nintendo needs to do is to embrace microtransactions and a shit load of DLC and paid online features! It's the way to go, maaan!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DarkTemplar said:
Rol, I'm truly disappointed with you...

How could you not demand achievements on every game?

How could you not demand microtransactions? True gamers love pay to win!

How could you not demand on disc/day one DLC on every major first party title?

How could you not demand DRM on your physical copies so you will be able to play them everywhere?

And the most important thing: how could you not demand a pay wall to even use the remote play on the Wii U Pad? With it Nintendo would be finally able to have to money to implement a true system account!

Those casualz Nintendo gamerz trying to pass as true gamers...

Well, obviously you unlock the achievements by paying for them, duh!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Lyrikalstylez said:
Here's a simple solution...just Switch to Xbox one or ps4

Seriously? Those consoles aren't nearly hardcore enough, man. You know, XOne comes with Kinect and PS4 has a touchpad on its controllers. Hardcore gamers never asked for those cheap gimmicks that only makes consoles expensive! To be hardcore enough, they would have to stop doing anything new outside of hardware improvements and make those features add-ons, so all of the money could have been spent on making the GPU and CPU inside better. 1080p isn't enough. 60 FPS isn't enough. We need 4K and a bare minimum of 240 FPS.

RazorDragon said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Here's a simple solution...just Switch to Xbox one or ps4

Seriously? Those consoles aren't nearly hardcore enough, man. You know, XOne comes with Kinect and PS4 has a touchpad on its controllers. Hardcore gamers never asked for those cheap gimmicks that only makes consoles expensive! To be hardcore enough, they would have to stop doing anything new outside of hardware improvements and make those features add-ons, so all of the money could have been spent on making the GPU and CPU inside better. 1080p isn't enough. 60 FPS isn't enough. We need 4K and a bare minimum of 240 FPS.

And if you're hardcore enough you yearn for even LESS innovation in your controller, so you go back to game with this:

Now, THAT'S hardcore! The bare minimum of innovation.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.