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RolStoppable said:

Nintendo is a great company, they really are. But for too long now they have held graphics back. While Sony and Microsoft entered the HD era in 2006 and 2005, respectively, it took until 2012 before Nintendo finally caught up. And even then, only to be left in the dust again only one year later. So now we have the Wii U and get to see Nintendo games in HD for the first time, but it's not quite enough. We need moar graphics.

Since the casuals are gone anyway, I propose that Nintendo caters to us, and us only. They should just drop the Wii U and move on to the next console as soon as possible. Holiday 2014 would be great, but 2015 is probably more realistic. Finish up the Wii U games that are close to release and launch them as planned, but move the rest to N7 right away.

Such a drastic shift in strategy will obviously come at a price. With Nintendo focusing on the Nintendo hardcore, an adjusted business model will be necessary in order for Nintendo to continue to provide the level of quality that we expect and demand. It's simple economics: If the volume of sales is drastically lower, the profit margin on each individual unit must be higher to make up for it. Since there aren't more than a couple of million of us (and that's a very generous estimate), this is a necessary measure. The console will launch at $/€600, games will go for $/€200 a piece. Either that or Nintendo sells out and goes third party.


Fuck that shit! What Nintendo needs to do is to embrace microtransactions and a shit load of DLC and paid online features! It's the way to go, maaan!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.