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Forums - General Discussion - The Batman relevance argument.

SnakeDrake said:
Well batman is the go to guy with deep pockets. Its not like Superman can build the watch tower with a reporters salary.

Lex Luthor could.

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PDF said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
PDF said:
General consensus is that Batman can beat anyone given time.
No time, no plan, Batman can lose to just about everyone.

Batman is one of the few people who can defeat Superman as seen in Dark Knight Returns part 2. That doesn't mean he wins in a straight up fight or that Superman can't destroy him whenever he wants. Just proves Batman is capable of beating him.

Pretext is important in this situation

I don't believe that the Dark Knight Rises is considered cannon. Some of these animations that come out aren't cannon.

Didn't know it had to be. They still follow the core pieces that makes these charactes who they are.  So same logic still applies just was using an example of how we could see it be done.

Edit:  You put more in after I quoted.  At the funeral you see Superman face physically wounded.  So i'm sure he was hurt.  Besides Batman explains he took it easy to Superman in his rant "remember the man who beat you."   This world exist on Earth 31 in the new 52.  So at least on that earth its possible for Batman to beat Superman

Superman heals pretty fast. It takes much more than Batman can dish out to hurt him. It was really Superman who took it easy on him. If he wanted to he could've blown up the whole alley just to get batman. He even explained to Batman that he could've hit him harder. Superman knew Batman was going to have a heart attack as well and tried to warn him as I said before. I have a little issue with Batmans agility at that age while having so much armor on as well but its Frank Miller, so of course I need not say more.

PDF said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Superman heals pretty fast. It takes much more than Batman can dish out to hurt him. It was really Superman who took it easy on him. If he wanted to he could've blown up the whole alley just to get batman. He even explained to Batman that he could've hit him harder.

Thats what i am saying.  So to see Superman with noticeble mark on his face is impressive.  Superman taking it easy was all part of the calculations baby.  Can't blame Batman for that.  Thats Superman fault.  At the end its still Batman standing over Superman giving a bad ass rant.

Still arguing about these type of things are always silly.  Superman can defeat Batman whenever he wants.  For Batman to do the same it take a lot of planning and a bit of luck.

Of course he stood over Superman, he had Kryptonite on him. I would too...and then I would flee the earth once someone got it off of him LOL. Difference is Batman played dead, but Superman was the only person who knew he was alive because of his super hearing and decided not to give chase because hes not doing anyone any harm.

Off-topic, but not 100%. I was taking my daughter to her first soccer game today and when drove past a Burger King they had a dude dressed up as old school Batman, dancing on the sidewalk.

I enjoyed it.

Wish I took a picture to show you guys.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
richardhutnik said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

So a bunch of my friends are sitting down eating at a diner and they barely know very much about comic book characters, but we get into it. I, myself, have very decent knowledge of comics which I believe is a little bit better than my friends because I used to read comics as a child and I've seen the JLA and everything and know the characters powers. They just know that Batman is f'n awesome. I agree, he's the best of human potential but his power is just being marketed to them, not what has been proven. The JLA technically doesn't need Batman. Batmans only true role is playing as a tactician. There were like eight of them and they even got the waitress to argue their point with me that Batman can kick Supermans ass. I just said, watch too many movies (LOL). Most of my friends off the net aren't very nerdy unless you're talking anime, thats the extent it goes to. Most of them are jocks and pretty boys but they can beat a lot of people in sports trivia, but Comics? Nope. 

People also have argued that Batman would kick Captain America's ass, in an arena, mano-on-mano.  I said it could possibly happen if Batman were given time to prepare, with proper gadgets, but individuals argued that even without this Batma would kick Captain America's ass.  So yes, Batman has been sold like crazy to people.

It also helps to pit him up against the Avengers Movie version of Captain America. He can't shoot a gun for shit. Just Baterang the hell out of him.

I always liked these pages.  Batman is a peak physical human, in some instances being a metahuman.  He has mastered an astounding number of martial arts, and was basically taught to be a genuine ninja/assassin.  Also taking away his gadgets seems kind of dumb, if the people he's facing have superpowers, they're techincally not fighting "mano a mano".  But even Batman has admitted he's equal if not slightly superior, but they are both amazing fighters. The fight would take a long time, and with the gadgets and the intelligence, who knows.

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Here is the thing about Superman. At the height of his portrayals he can hear a heartbeat across the globe and lobotmize people on earth from Space.

If Superman and Batman were to decide that they MUST kill each other immediately at the same time. Batman would have zero chance in a fight.

Batman, with enough planning in a onesided encounter could win, but even then... it's not assured.

As for Batman in the Justice League. There are plenty of arguements to be made for him there. The most expedient one? Dollar Dollar bills.

Nobody else can really afford to be building halls of justice, space stations, satellites and other crap like that... at least not without becoming indebted to a government agency.

NYANKS said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
richardhutnik said:


It also helps to pit him up against the Avengers Movie version of Captain America. He can't shoot a gun for shit. Just Baterang the hell out of him.

I always liked these pages.  Batman is a peak physical human, in some instances being a metahuman.  He has mastered an astounding number of martial arts, and was basically taught to be a genuine ninja/assassin.  Also taking away his gadgets seems kind of dumb, if the people he's facing have superpowers, they're techincally not fighting "mano a mano".  But even Batman has admitted he's equal if not slightly superior, but they are both amazing fighters. The fight would take a long time, and with the gadgets and the intelligence, who knows.

Batman can take out Captain America. Take away his shield and he's fair game.  Again, if you've seen the Avengers movie, Captain America is a terrible shot (LOL). Batman would need armor to take out Captain America, but he cold beat him in a CQC fight. Given preparation he'd be potentially lethal against Capt, but he wouldn't kill him. He heals quickly because of the super hero syrum, but batman could take out his limbs easily and knock him out.

Okay. For one thing, Batman is the world's greatest detective. He doesn't think the way you and I do. It's one thing to have powers that let you force people to tell the truth or blow up a building with your mind. It's another thing to actually know who those powers should be directed towards. When Sue Dibny died, the JLA were chasing after Dr. Light, Deathstroke, etc. Batman was busy solving the crime and finding the real culprit.

Batman is like Green Arrow except built up to a superhuman degree. He doesn't have super powers but he represents the best in humanity. He shows that, even amongst the gods, a regular guy can still be valuable if he's determined and uses his mind. There were sooooooo many times when the team was down and out and they get saved because Batman was the one that discovered the enemies weakness.

Bad guys know not to underestimate Batman. They know that he's everywhere. They know that he's smarter than they are. If there's a flaw in their plan, Batman is the one that's going to figure it out. He's the one that knows that the enemy weapon is hidden in another dimension or that the character posing as a hero is actually a super villain in disguise. He's the one with the back-up plans for his back-up plans. Batman's the one that is already thinking of how to take you down efficiently while you're introducing yourself with Starbuck's gift card.

The problem with the OP is the problem that many other comic book characters have made. They underestimate him because he's "just a man". There's a reason why Superman's greatest villain is "just a man"......

S.T.A.G.E. said:
attaboy said:
Is this about whether Batman can beat Superman? Batman can be beaten by the Joker with a vase of flowers. Then again, Batman can kill Darkseid. It all depends on the writer.

Did Batman kill Darkseid in an official continuity story or was it like a frank miller story. We all know how much he loved Batman and thinks Superman is an overpowered boyscout.

Official continuity (before everything started over).  It was the end of the "Final Crisis" storyline.

There.  Just saved you from reading that confusing ass story!

Superman's original comic= Action Comics
Batman's original comic= Detective Comics

The name of the company? DC (Detective Comics). Batman wins.