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PDF said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Superman heals pretty fast. It takes much more than Batman can dish out to hurt him. It was really Superman who took it easy on him. If he wanted to he could've blown up the whole alley just to get batman. He even explained to Batman that he could've hit him harder.

Thats what i am saying.  So to see Superman with noticeble mark on his face is impressive.  Superman taking it easy was all part of the calculations baby.  Can't blame Batman for that.  Thats Superman fault.  At the end its still Batman standing over Superman giving a bad ass rant.

Still arguing about these type of things are always silly.  Superman can defeat Batman whenever he wants.  For Batman to do the same it take a lot of planning and a bit of luck.

Of course he stood over Superman, he had Kryptonite on him. I would too...and then I would flee the earth once someone got it off of him LOL. Difference is Batman played dead, but Superman was the only person who knew he was alive because of his super hearing and decided not to give chase because hes not doing anyone any harm.