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Okay. For one thing, Batman is the world's greatest detective. He doesn't think the way you and I do. It's one thing to have powers that let you force people to tell the truth or blow up a building with your mind. It's another thing to actually know who those powers should be directed towards. When Sue Dibny died, the JLA were chasing after Dr. Light, Deathstroke, etc. Batman was busy solving the crime and finding the real culprit.

Batman is like Green Arrow except built up to a superhuman degree. He doesn't have super powers but he represents the best in humanity. He shows that, even amongst the gods, a regular guy can still be valuable if he's determined and uses his mind. There were sooooooo many times when the team was down and out and they get saved because Batman was the one that discovered the enemies weakness.

Bad guys know not to underestimate Batman. They know that he's everywhere. They know that he's smarter than they are. If there's a flaw in their plan, Batman is the one that's going to figure it out. He's the one that knows that the enemy weapon is hidden in another dimension or that the character posing as a hero is actually a super villain in disguise. He's the one with the back-up plans for his back-up plans. Batman's the one that is already thinking of how to take you down efficiently while you're introducing yourself with Starbuck's gift card.

The problem with the OP is the problem that many other comic book characters have made. They underestimate him because he's "just a man". There's a reason why Superman's greatest villain is "just a man"......