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    L5: Zergling(3,017 until level 6)
    attaboy I am fully responsible for the faulty launch PS4s. I thought it would be funny so I sabotaged them.
    • A 38 year old male gamer
    • Joined on July 1st 2013, last online on 27 April 2017.
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    •   VG$ 1,750.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Trolling (For the super cereal crime of sabotaging our precious (precious!) PlayStation 4s. Lord Cerny has commanded me to hand out the most lethal form of execution allowed in Eurasia (Stop laughing! This is serious!). Unfortunately, I do not require the specific amount of GDDR5 RAM necessary to perform that task, so I'll have to do the next best thing... Permaban! May Yoshida have mercy upon your soul.) ~ Smeags
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