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PDF said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
PDF said:
General consensus is that Batman can beat anyone given time.
No time, no plan, Batman can lose to just about everyone.

Batman is one of the few people who can defeat Superman as seen in Dark Knight Returns part 2. That doesn't mean he wins in a straight up fight or that Superman can't destroy him whenever he wants. Just proves Batman is capable of beating him.

Pretext is important in this situation

I don't believe that the Dark Knight Rises is considered cannon. Some of these animations that come out aren't cannon.

Didn't know it had to be. They still follow the core pieces that makes these charactes who they are.  So same logic still applies just was using an example of how we could see it be done.

Edit:  You put more in after I quoted.  At the funeral you see Superman face physically wounded.  So i'm sure he was hurt.  Besides Batman explains he took it easy to Superman in his rant "remember the man who beat you."   This world exist on Earth 31 in the new 52.  So at least on that earth its possible for Batman to beat Superman

Superman heals pretty fast. It takes much more than Batman can dish out to hurt him. It was really Superman who took it easy on him. If he wanted to he could've blown up the whole alley just to get batman. He even explained to Batman that he could've hit him harder. Superman knew Batman was going to have a heart attack as well and tried to warn him as I said before. I have a little issue with Batmans agility at that age while having so much armor on as well but its Frank Miller, so of course I need not say more.