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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony: “If You Compare PS4 Visuals Side-by-Side With Any Other Gaming Console, PS4 Will Look Better Every Time”

I remember them saying PS3 would be superior day 1 also and we all know how that turned out.
Sony just knows that people will believe whatever they say regardless of if it has any merit or not.
Judging by the fact they are already having trouble getting the PS4 to do what a 4 year old PC can with games like BF I will simply dismiss this claim as PR BS.
I am not suggesting their games will look bad. That's never been the case but they are known to talk a lot and never back it up. 4D graphics comes to mind also.

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ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember them saying PS3 would be superior day 1 also and we all know how that turned out.
Sony just knows that people will believe whatever they say regardless of if it has any merit or not.
Judging by the fact they are already having trouble getting the PS4 to do what a 4 year old PC can with games like BF I will simply dismiss this claim as PR BS.
I am not suggesting their games will look bad. That's never been the case but they are known to talk a lot and never back it up. 4D graphics comes to mind also.

Huge diff between PS3 and ps4. 360 was argueably as powerfull> there is a clear and bigger gap this time.


Also, BF4 is a game built for current gen ported to A new gen, hardly a good example. Not too many PC's right now can outperform a 8 core unified arichetecture console with 8 GB GDDR5 ram. How many own PC's that can and how many devs will even bother making games on PC for such a small user base that do? Given some time next gen console graphics will really start to shine.


A 4 year old PC has no prayer of handling those visuals.


I'm a PC gamer (Steam FTW), but PC gets mainly console leftovers.


What does PC have to do with anything? PC beats all consoles, that's been true since the beginning of time.

iamdeath said:
pezus said:
PigPen said:
That doesn't matter at this point. The Wii U can push graphics so good, who will care if the Xbox One and Playstation 4 looks slightly better. But then there's the games to consider, like I will rather play a next gen Zelda or Metroid then a prettier Uncharted (if that is the case). My games don't have to be the prettiest, just as long as it looks good. Diminish returns won't matter when it comes to the games I care about.

You will not play a prettier Uncharted but you will play a prettier Zelda and Metroid? 

He is just trying to convince himself to justify his purchase..Go easy on him :).

Judging by these threads and who is making them, I dont think he is the one trying to justify his purchase. I dont see him slamming unreleased games as bombs or pulling up imaginary specs to justify anything.

Sorry but he does have a valid point and it really comes down to how often these games get released. Uncharted just started around 6 years ago and we already have 4 games in the series. Nintendo has never released that many games of the same franchise in the same period so its only natural that someone have burnout for a series they play 4 times a gen vs 1 time a generation.


Besides at least he is giving his opinion without slamming the games for poor sales or the other BS some of you pull up to justify your choice of consoles.

He is also right about diminishing returns this generation. You arent going to see that big of a leap and the early games are showing that. I remember when people hate on Nintendo because the Wii U didnt show a huge jump in games but Diablo 3 PS4 looks exactly like Diablo 3 on PC did 3 years ago but nobody seems to be bothered by it.

pezus said:


In a clear attack on the graphical prowess of Nintendo’s GameCube, Sony has stated that the PS4 will have the best looking titles on any console platform.

SCEA’s Sean Coleman said during the Sony conference at GameStop’s Expo:

Not only do games play better, but if you compare PlayStation 4 visuals side-by-side with any other gaming console, PlayStation 4 will look better every time.

He then asked attendees not to take his word for it, and instead showed them quick clips from Killzone: Shadow Fall and inFamous: Second Son. The comment comes after a generation in which Sony struggled to ensure that multiplatform PS3 titles were equal to the 360 counterparts, but at the same time managed to release incredible looking exclusives like The Last of UsKillzone and Uncharted.


Do you think the PS4 has the best looking games; or do Ryse and Forza get your vote?


This may have been posted, but I didn't find it in the latest topics (and let's be honest, the search engine here sucks).

Woow I do love Sony first they playing all the game on pc and saying running in console first show me game running on ps4 then say it we got the best console and games and I'm sure ps4 games looks better compare to ps3 or Xbox 360 but compare it to Xbox one I'm sorry Sony but u r big fat lier 

DestructorGT said:

Nah, dude.

Evolution will release a new footage direct feed video in 1080p recorded in GamesCom next week... DRIVECLUB is in another level in terms of graphcis.. you can say Forza is more fun or a better simulator but in graphics we will have a clear winner... if you compare footage the Forza looks like cartoon close to DRIVECLUB IMO.

You will ask what happened?

The closed doors E3 demo was really in early stages of development (30% I guess) and even so some journalists said that it was impossible to the camera record the amazing lighing sytem showed in the demo.... Forza 5 otherwise looked finished and better.

GamesCom came and Evolution showed a new demo... a jaw dropping demo... the comparision with old demo (E3) with this new one is like water to wine... so big the difference... the game have the best visuals already saw in a racing game ever... the lighting is in another level, totally next-gen.

You can be safe... when the game released DRIVECLUB will look better than Forza 5... like real-life vs cartoon.

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realgamer said:
pezus said:


In a clear attack on the graphical prowess of Nintendo’s GameCube, Sony has stated that the PS4 will have the best looking titles on any console platform.

SCEA’s Sean Coleman said during the Sony conference at GameStop’s Expo:

Not only do games play better, but if you compare PlayStation 4 visuals side-by-side with any other gaming console, PlayStation 4 will look better every time.

He then asked attendees not to take his word for it, and instead showed them quick clips from Killzone: Shadow Fall and inFamous: Second Son. The comment comes after a generation in which Sony struggled to ensure that multiplatform PS3 titles were equal to the 360 counterparts, but at the same time managed to release incredible looking exclusives like The Last of UsKillzone and Uncharted.


Do you think the PS4 has the best looking games; or do Ryse and Forza get your vote?


This may have been posted, but I didn't find it in the latest topics (and let's be honest, the search engine here sucks).

Woow I do love Sony first they playing all the game on pc and saying running in console first show me game running on ps4 then say it we got the best console and games and I'm sure ps4 games looks better compare to ps3 or Xbox 360 but compare it to Xbox one I'm sorry Sony but u r big fat lier 

Ummm, no.

its ryse and forza for me .ryse might turn out to be an average game but it looks stunning.ive not been impressed by killzone . infamous looks good but i hated the last game it was boring never finished it and i got it for free. ill get the PS4 when naughty dog release a game best dev around

iamdeath said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember them saying PS3 would be superior day 1 also and we all know how that turned out.
Sony just knows that people will believe whatever they say regardless of if it has any merit or not.
Judging by the fact they are already having trouble getting the PS4 to do what a 4 year old PC can with games like BF I will simply dismiss this claim as PR BS.
I am not suggesting their games will look bad. That's never been the case but they are known to talk a lot and never back it up. 4D graphics comes to mind also.

Huge diff between PS3 and ps4. 360 was argueably as powerfull> there is a clear and bigger gap this time.


Also, BF4 is a game built for current gen ported to A new gen, hardly a good example. Not too many PC's right now can outperform a 8 core unified arichetecture console with 8 GB GDDR5 ram. How many own PC's that can and how many devs will even bother making games on PC for such a small user base that do? Given some time next gen console graphics will really start to shine.


I'm a PC gamer (Steam FTW), but PC gets mainly console leftovers.


What does PC have to do with anything? PC beats all consoles, that's been true since the beginning of time.

Whats the PC got to do with? Well they talk like they will be superior but again BF4 devs cant get the game up to par with PC and I bet the PC specs wont be much higher than they were for BF3. I am not talking about a current PC but an older PC. One the PS4 should have no problem dominating if their claims were true but my 4 year old PC blows its specs away. 8 gigs of RAM? I have 35 between my graphics cards and system RAM. ALso its a mobile phone chip in the PS4 not an 8 core PC chip. Of course its not exactly 4 years old but its getting up there. However if PS4 is the standard next gen I wont have to worry with upgrading for a long time.

The only difference is the name. its the same situation all over again. Sony made promises most of us PC gamers knew were a lie but people bought it. While the tech might be different their arrogance and history of over hyping capabalities has not


@Pezus Yes I am sure you are an expert on

What about when the Steam Box comes out? =O

Yay? Does that mean they will have the best games? I wish they could employ the increased horsepower to tackle the biggest problem in programming right now and for some time; incredibly poor AI.
You can have the most realistic looking environments in the world and all the particle effects in the universe but it doesn't immerse you at all when the AI behaves like a robot with Downs syndrome.
Most developers simply gloss over this fault by adding scripted segments that puts the player automatically at an unfair advantage to up the difficulty since the AI isn't up to the task on its own.