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ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember them saying PS3 would be superior day 1 also and we all know how that turned out.
Sony just knows that people will believe whatever they say regardless of if it has any merit or not.
Judging by the fact they are already having trouble getting the PS4 to do what a 4 year old PC can with games like BF I will simply dismiss this claim as PR BS.
I am not suggesting their games will look bad. That's never been the case but they are known to talk a lot and never back it up. 4D graphics comes to mind also.

Huge diff between PS3 and ps4. 360 was argueably as powerfull> there is a clear and bigger gap this time.


Also, BF4 is a game built for current gen ported to A new gen, hardly a good example. Not too many PC's right now can outperform a 8 core unified arichetecture console with 8 GB GDDR5 ram. How many own PC's that can and how many devs will even bother making games on PC for such a small user base that do? Given some time next gen console graphics will really start to shine.


A 4 year old PC has no prayer of handling those visuals.


I'm a PC gamer (Steam FTW), but PC gets mainly console leftovers.


What does PC have to do with anything? PC beats all consoles, that's been true since the beginning of time.