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iamdeath said:
pezus said:
PigPen said:
That doesn't matter at this point. The Wii U can push graphics so good, who will care if the Xbox One and Playstation 4 looks slightly better. But then there's the games to consider, like I will rather play a next gen Zelda or Metroid then a prettier Uncharted (if that is the case). My games don't have to be the prettiest, just as long as it looks good. Diminish returns won't matter when it comes to the games I care about.

You will not play a prettier Uncharted but you will play a prettier Zelda and Metroid? 

He is just trying to convince himself to justify his purchase..Go easy on him :).

Judging by these threads and who is making them, I dont think he is the one trying to justify his purchase. I dont see him slamming unreleased games as bombs or pulling up imaginary specs to justify anything.

Sorry but he does have a valid point and it really comes down to how often these games get released. Uncharted just started around 6 years ago and we already have 4 games in the series. Nintendo has never released that many games of the same franchise in the same period so its only natural that someone have burnout for a series they play 4 times a gen vs 1 time a generation.


Besides at least he is giving his opinion without slamming the games for poor sales or the other BS some of you pull up to justify your choice of consoles.

He is also right about diminishing returns this generation. You arent going to see that big of a leap and the early games are showing that. I remember when people hate on Nintendo because the Wii U didnt show a huge jump in games but Diablo 3 PS4 looks exactly like Diablo 3 on PC did 3 years ago but nobody seems to be bothered by it.