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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why They Are Excited For Killer Instinct?


Are You Excited About This Game?

Yes 74 37.56%
No 95 48.22%
A little 22 11.17%
See results 6 3.05%

Because it is Xbox One excluisve. If it is multiplat no one will care.

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Because people that didn't play the game back then think retro is cool.

And people that plaid it back then want it for nostalgia but aknowlegded that it wasn't that good, and that multiplayer will be meh if it's even comparable with the first.

walsufnir said:
ghettoglamour said:
This game will flop and you know it. Expect an average score well below 70.

What? Currently it has quite a good reception and the GAF-thread is constantly ongoing. It will easily be higher than 70.

Made this point earlier in the thread but these guys havn't had a game score more than 70% in 5 years and of their 29 games on metacritic only 5 other games are above 70 and they're all from early 2000's

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

The series aren´t even close to the big 3. Street fighter, Tekken and Mortal kombat.


I'll admit, much of what is fueling my interest in this game is from pure nostalgia. With that said, Killer Instinct appears to be incorporating gameplay mechanics from more recent fighters, and while slightly faster (at least during combo strings), seems to be similar to the Street Fighter IV series in regards to combat pacing, which I think has broader appeal than some of the faster-paced fighting games like an Arc System Works title (e.g., Guilty Gear, Blazblue, P4 Arena), a Marvel vs. Capcom game, or Virtua Fighter.

It will be interesting to see how the game's pricing strategies will be received by the fighting game community. While a lot of tournament players often "main" a particular character, many players have also shown disdain for paid-DLC characters. If I buy the game, I personally would pick up the full version with all of the available launch characters.

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Lulz said:
gergroy said:
Lulz said:
gergroy said:
Pricing model kills any interest this game might have generated for me. I am honestly not a fighting game fan though, so I was never really that interested.

Free to play ruins games!

It's free to play one character. That's hardly free to play. What negative do you see in allowing players to purchase as much of the game as they want to, or can afford to, whenever they want to do so? That seems like a huge plus to me.

I guess you will find out the negatives when you start playing this game and youare ALWAYS fighting the same character!

That might become slightly bothersome, but at some point those games will become free wins when I can master whichever character counters Jago the best.

And I know that F2P games typically get a lot of flak, but there are a few gems out there like League of Legends and World of Tanks. They're fun, well balanced, competitive, and the devs give them tons of new content on a consistent basis. They're not just poular because they're free. They draw people in by being free and keep them playing by being good games.

LoL works on a different level than KI, as far as "free to play." At the very least, LoL gives an always-rotating cast of 10 champions to try out every week. Even newly realeased champions go free-to-play about 2 or 3 weeks after they release, just in case you are not sure about a new release. Not to mention, LoL came out with 40 champions or so at release. KI is coming with a wooping 1 character for F2P, and it cost $20 and $40 (plus some other goodies) to get all 8...8 CHARACTERS on season 1! How long are these seasons? how will the bundle for the next 8 will work out? Will Jango be the only character available for F2P ever? How long will it take for a full, physical release with a full roster and game modes? What if the game fails and support to it is cut short? (higly unlikely but possible)

In LoL, players can purchase champions with the in-game money and real money, that is true F2P. Sure, you can use real money to avoid saving up large amounts to buy a champion, but many champions have different price depending on difficulty, time of release, etc, some can be acquire in as little as 4 games. KI offers every character at $5 with, to my knowledge, no known way to try out a character before purchasing, making purchasing new characters a risky-invesment unless some research in done on the character.

The truth is, the real reason this game is getting so much hype is: Pure nostalgia and Xbox One exclusivity. I've played KI back on the SNES area and it was never that great as people are remembering it to be. It was still very fun to play and Double Helix appears to be doing a fantastic job at recapturing the feel and style of the original game. A lot of people here show support for the game, as well as the competitive players, which is a great thing for them. For a developer with a very questionable set of past games, they are doing very well with the game...except for the awkward sale system. Hell, the original games tha comes with the $40 bundle has more characters! I find it very very weird that all they have so far is 8 characters schedule for season 1. That is an abbysmal amount of characters when other games at full price ($60) have upwards of 30, 40 and even 50 plus. Even games like Tekken offer free DLC, characters! 

I will reserve judgement and not bash the game or judge it too harshly. Still, I would be super excite for it (even if it is a Xbox one exclusive) were it not for that sale system they are using. I get the slight feeling of been ripped off.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

NSS7 said:
Because it is Xbox One excluisve. If it is multiplat no one will care.

This. A few mentioned nostalgia, and that's understandable. But mostly this. Very generic fighting game of no interest.

Grandia said:
007BondAgent said:
walsufnir said:
ghettoglamour said:
This game will flop and you know it. Expect an average score well below 70.

What? Currently it has quite a good reception and the GAF-thread is constantly ongoing. It will easily be higher than 70.


Silent hill HC - meta 70%

GI Joe Rise off the cobra - meta 42%

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Are you sure about this?  giving a well respected series to a mediocre dev isn't the smartest move

but Double Helix also developed the Devil May Cry HD Collection and this was one of the really well made HD Collections plus Double Helix is only one part of KI development, the amazing guys from Rare who developed the original KI like Ken Lobb are working too on this game.

Ken Lobb himself is working on it indeed but not the exact 1994 Rare team who made the first Killer Instinct game, As for double helix making that DMC hd collection I was just looking about to find where that is from, don't suppose you have a link? wiki doesn't mention them on it.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at