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Grandia said:
007BondAgent said:
walsufnir said:
ghettoglamour said:
This game will flop and you know it. Expect an average score well below 70.

What? Currently it has quite a good reception and the GAF-thread is constantly ongoing. It will easily be higher than 70.


Silent hill HC - meta 70%

GI Joe Rise off the cobra - meta 42%

Front mission evolved - meta 58%

Green Lantern - meta 59%


Are you sure about this?  giving a well respected series to a mediocre dev isn't the smartest move

but Double Helix also developed the Devil May Cry HD Collection and this was one of the really well made HD Collections plus Double Helix is only one part of KI development, the amazing guys from Rare who developed the original KI like Ken Lobb are working too on this game.

Ken Lobb himself is working on it indeed but not the exact 1994 Rare team who made the first Killer Instinct game, As for double helix making that DMC hd collection I was just looking about to find where that is from, don't suppose you have a link? wiki doesn't mention them on it.

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