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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why They Are Excited For Killer Instinct?


Are You Excited About This Game?

Yes 74 37.56%
No 95 48.22%
A little 22 11.17%
See results 6 3.05%
KingdomHeartsFan said:
Mr Puggsly said:
I played a shit ton of the original games and I've been wanting a new game in the series.

Either way, quit worrying about what others want to play. If it doesn't interest you go play something else and stop whining.

Its one of those games I want to be excited for but I'm not so I was just curios why other people are.  Looks like the main reason is I never played the original so it has no nostalgia for me

Well, no shit?! If you weren't a fan or familiar with the previous games then you're going to be less interested than the long time fans.

My guess is you're bothered by the buzz KI is getting simply because its not on your preferred platform.

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Yes, so I can beat the living fuck out of my friends. Thanks.

Can't argue with that lol


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Panama said:
Lulz said:
Panama said:

Because 6 character fighters made by devs that haven't made a single good game, let alone have knowledge of the FGC, means that this will be amazing.

Woops almost forgot my sarcasm face :^)

Good call. No one that isn't already an established developer for a specific genre should make games. There's no possible way that they could possibly succeed!

We should just stick to the same franchises by the same devs for the rest of enternity.

Fighting games are like fine wine, if you mess it up you get games like KoFXII

True, but I still want to see people try! One time you might end up being pleasantly surprised, and as far as I can tell Double Helix is putting massive amounts of time, effort, and care into this game, and they're really listening to community feedback. There's not really much more you can ask for at this point.

I'm just hoping that it all pays off.

gergroy said:
Lulz said:
gergroy said:
Pricing model kills any interest this game might have generated for me. I am honestly not a fighting game fan though, so I was never really that interested.

Free to play ruins games!

It's free to play one character. That's hardly free to play. What negative do you see in allowing players to purchase as much of the game as they want to, or can afford to, whenever they want to do so? That seems like a huge plus to me.

I guess you will find out the negatives when you start playing this game and youare ALWAYS fighting the same character!

That might become slightly bothersome, but at some point those games will become free wins when I can master whichever character counters Jago the best.

And I know that F2P games typically get a lot of flak, but there are a few gems out there like League of Legends and World of Tanks. They're fun, well balanced, competitive, and the devs give them tons of new content on a consistent basis. They're not just poular because they're free. They draw people in by being free and keep them playing by being good games.

gergroy said:
Pricing model kills any interest this game might have generated for me. I am honestly not a fighting game fan though, so I was never really that interested.

Free to play ruins games!

The pricing model bugs you? $20 for 8 characters isn't cheap enough?

Unless they implement pay to win crap, you can't complain about the F2P strategy.

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Mr Puggsly said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:
Mr Puggsly said:
I played a shit ton of the original games and I've been wanting a new game in the series.

Either way, quit worrying about what others want to play. If it doesn't interest you go play something else and stop whining.

Its one of those games I want to be excited for but I'm not so I was just curios why other people are.  Looks like the main reason is I never played the original so it has no nostalgia for me

Well, no shit?! If you weren't a fan or familiar with the previous games then you're going to be less interested than the long time fans.

My guess is you're bothered by the buzz KI is getting simply because its not on your preferred platform.

I've praised other X1 games like DR3 and crimson dragon so this had nothing to do with the game being on the X1.  Also there are plenty of games where I didn't play the other games in the series but was still hyped for the game, ex I have never played a lego game but I'm hyped for marvel superheroes.  Nostalgia shouldn't be the only reason to hype a game so I was curious what the other reasons were for other people. 

A bit early to judge I'd say. Let's wait and see how it unfolds.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Mr Puggsly said:
gergroy said:
Pricing model kills any interest this game might have generated for me. I am honestly not a fighting game fan though, so I was never really that interested.

Free to play ruins games!

The pricing model bugs you? $20 for 8 characters isn't cheap enough?

Unless they implement pay to win crap, you can't complain about the F2P strategy.

It would ruin the game if you are always fighting the same character, since there is only one free character, guess who you will be squaring off against 99% of the time?  I dont think the free the play model works well with a fighting game,  no matter how balanced it is.

JWeinCom said:
JayWood2010 said:


Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Persona 4 Arena, Smash Bros Melee and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.  

Honestly, I don't see KI as being that fast.  The only thing that seems fast about the game is the speed at which moves cancel into each other in combos.  Overall character movement isn't exceptionally quick or anything.  It's a bit faster than Street Fighter IV AE, but not really by much.  Kind of middle of the pack in terms of speed.

How about a fast paced game that plays similar to Killer Instinct.  I dont really know how to word what I am trying to say but games like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, and Killer Insinct are more similar to each other than let's say Persona 4 and Smash bros.

I would say Blazblue, Persona, Marvel vs Capcom, and King of Fighters is similar to eachother (All still playing differently).


I'm interested to see how this game turns out a year from now but as of right now I can't get excited for it. I loved the old games. I was one of the few kids in my childhood who did. Right now though it looks like a fighting game version of Charlie Sheen. "I've got one speed: GO!". All of the attacks happen just so damn fast and it doesn't appear like there is much variation in the pacing between the characters. Just the distance that they are most effective. I will also be very disappointed if they don't eventually add No Mercy finishers or even Ultimate Combos. The killing blows were one of the things that helped Killer Instinct stand out alongside Mortal Kombat for fighting games.