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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Xbox One is actually more powerful than the PS4

nightsurge said:
pokoko said:
"Lanham Napier, CEO of Rackspace, said in an earnings call (transcribed by SeekingAlpha) that Sony is now an “enterprise customer” for the company, continuing:

Sony PlayStation recently signed a services agreement with Rackspace, under which our developers and architects will be consulting and supporting the PlayStation team with their OpenStack private cloud deployment."

Several comments for this.

1. Rackspace is much smaller.

2. Their performance is weaker than Azure.

3. They are actually more expensive than Azure...

4. Sony going a third party route, if they choose to use these servers for dedicated servers, cloud processing, storage, Gaikai, or whatever, will include much higher costs to Sony and/or Devs than with the Azure system. If Sony decides they want/need more, they have to buy more, and those servers can't be repurposed easily to other aspects of their business since they are again third party servers to begin with. With Azure, if Xbox One isn't using all he servers, they can be used for other businesses around the world. So if MS needs/wants more servers they will add more to their system and be able to still profit off of them instead of only incur costs from them.

You made most of that up on the spot, didn't you?  Besides, it doesn't say that they'll be using Rackspace servers, only that they'll be using OpenStack.

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ShinmenTakezo said:
My favorite line is, "Not even the most popular gaming houses can afford to run them." Referring to dedicated servers.

....and plenty others had games with dedicated servers this gen

You need to read the COD thread on this subject.  Having dedicated servers isn't the problem.  Most devs and publishers tell you that its a huge cost to them to run these servers.  The servers have to be up all the time running waiting for players even if the player base isn't large.  

The difference is MS is giving away dedicated servers for next to nothing.  Also a huge advantage to MS solution is that a server doesn't just sit there waiting for players and taking up resources,  Instead it spins up when people start to matchmake in the area.  The next advantage is that the server spins up locally to the people being served, giving players best ping times and data bandwidth.   This is a huge advantage to the system because resources are not wasted and developers/publishers on pay for whats up and running.

I notice people who are very strong with the PS force seem to dismiss these advantages as if Sony can just call up Amazon and bam they will have the same level of service but this will not be the case.  MS spent 3 years building the software side of their service and it is next gen you may say in what it gives to devs/publishers.  

The next thing people dismiss without taking the time to research is MS cloud compute.  MS spent 3 years build this system called Orleans and you can research the tech your self.  Right Now the Halo team at 343 has moved their whole system over to Orleans so we actually might see some benefit from the cloud compute infrastructure sooner than later.  I not sure if MS cloud compute will make the X1 this powerhouse of a machine but I do believe we will see some very obvious advantages to the system that will separate games on the X1 from the PS4

pokoko said:
nightsurge said:

Several comments for this.

1. Rackspace is much smaller.

2. Their performance is weaker than Azure.

3. They are actually more expensive than Azure...

4. Sony going a third party route, if they choose to use these servers for dedicated servers, cloud processing, storage, Gaikai, or whatever, will include much higher costs to Sony and/or Devs than with the Azure system. If Sony decides they want/need more, they have to buy more, and those servers can't be repurposed easily to other aspects of their business since they are again third party servers to begin with. With Azure, if Xbox One isn't using all he servers, they can be used for other businesses around the world. So if MS needs/wants more servers they will add more to their system and be able to still profit off of them instead of only incur costs from them.

You made most of that up on the spot, didn't you?  Besides, it doesn't say that they'll be using Rackspace servers, only that they'll be using OpenStack.

Actually I didn't. But I'm glad you pointed out the fact that Rackspace may just be taking a "consultation" type role in Sony's OpenStack depolyment. That does change a lot of what I was getting at if Sony is owning and operating their own setup.

nightsurge said:
Captain_Tom said:
CGI-Quality said:
This again? It's comical now! "Cloud, cloud, cloud".

In other news, the PS4 is still more powerful on Cloud Reality.

What's even more funny is MS clearly made Activision not talk about the PS4's dedicated COD servers (Even though it is inevitably true).  LOL its like when you buy an Xbox you pay for the extra marketing instead of the extra hardware...

Bookmarking this for crow time when PS4 CoD Ghosts still uses P2P

And really, this again? It's just flipping comical how anything pro MS means they paid for it... I sure love being able to make claims with no evidence what-so-ever just because it pleases my personal agenda!

Yeah, i have to agree with this.  Oh EA is not saying anything so MS must be paying them.  Instead its probably more like "EA hmmm we still do not have a deal with Sony so its best not to saying anything and piss off PS COD players".


I am pretty sure sony will have dedicated servers aswell, especially destiny. This power of the cloud is just microsoft trying to catch fools yet again.

Around the Network
Machiavellian said:
ShinmenTakezo said:
My favorite line is, "Not even the most popular gaming houses can afford to run them." Referring to dedicated servers.

....and plenty others had games with dedicated servers this gen

You need to read the COD thread on this subject.  Having dedicated servers isn't the problem.  Most devs and publishers tell you that its a huge cost to them to run these servers.  The servers have to be up all the time running waiting for players even if the player base isn't large.  

The difference is MS is giving away dedicated servers for next to nothing.  Also a huge advantage to MS solution is that a server doesn't just sit there waiting for players and taking up resources,  Instead it spins up when people start to matchmake in the area.  The next advantage is that the server spins up locally to the people being served, giving players best ping times and data bandwidth.   This is a huge advantage to the system because resources are not wasted and developers/publishers on pay for whats up and running.

I notice people who are very strong with the PS force seem to dismiss these advantages as if Sony can just call up Amazon and bam they will have the same level of service but this will not be the case.  MS spent 3 years building the software side of their service and it is next gen you may say in what it gives to devs/publishers.  

The next thing people dismiss without taking the time to research is MS cloud compute.  MS spent 3 years build this system called Orleans and you can research the tech your self.  Right Now the Halo team at 343 has moved their whole system over to Orleans so we actually might see some benefit from the cloud compute infrastructure sooner than later.  I not sure if MS cloud compute will make the X1 this powerhouse of a machine but I do believe we will see some very obvious advantages to the system that will separate games on the X1 from the PS4

There is no such thing as "MS cloud compute" There is cloud compute, and even your phone can do it. You're digging yourself a hole for absolutely no reason. I made a statement about a small fallacy about big studios not being able to afford dedicated servers when evidence suggests otherwise. You then bring it to a whole nubba lebel. Please don't start trying to feed me MS PR bullshit about the cloud.

LOL @ that HipHopGamer video. What a massive tool. I am surprised he didn't start raising the championship belt he carries around when whoever he was talking to started crapping on the MS cloud. I think I'll side with people actually working on these games though.

Xbl will be out of this world. Haters gonna hate

Just more PS4 Make.Believe.
lol, No point in arguing with these ppl.

Maybe we should just try to get along. Only way to get along with them is to pretend the ps4 is 500% more powerfull and outselling selling the xb1 100 to 1. These numbers might be "factual" enough to not offend there religious like beliefs.


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