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nightsurge said:
pokoko said:
"Lanham Napier, CEO of Rackspace, said in an earnings call (transcribed by SeekingAlpha) that Sony is now an “enterprise customer” for the company, continuing:

Sony PlayStation recently signed a services agreement with Rackspace, under which our developers and architects will be consulting and supporting the PlayStation team with their OpenStack private cloud deployment."

Several comments for this.

1. Rackspace is much smaller.

2. Their performance is weaker than Azure.

3. They are actually more expensive than Azure...

4. Sony going a third party route, if they choose to use these servers for dedicated servers, cloud processing, storage, Gaikai, or whatever, will include much higher costs to Sony and/or Devs than with the Azure system. If Sony decides they want/need more, they have to buy more, and those servers can't be repurposed easily to other aspects of their business since they are again third party servers to begin with. With Azure, if Xbox One isn't using all he servers, they can be used for other businesses around the world. So if MS needs/wants more servers they will add more to their system and be able to still profit off of them instead of only incur costs from them.

You made most of that up on the spot, didn't you?  Besides, it doesn't say that they'll be using Rackspace servers, only that they'll be using OpenStack.