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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X-Box 360 owners, why are you switching to PS4?

Nem said:

To be honest i had pretty much decided before the Xbox one had been announced.

Main reason is simple: They proved to me that once they got me as a costumer they dont care about me anymore. The first 2 years saw the release of many exclusive hardcore titles. I got my 360 for that and the lower price.
After those 2 years, exclusives stoped aside the microsoft pet series (halo/forza/fable/gears). I saw some of those old exclusives go to PS3 with expanded content, and i saw interesting exclusive after interesting exclusive on the PS3 as sony kept "feeding" their hardcore gamers with great games. Not to mention that Microsoft then proceeded to waste resources on pleasing casual gamers with the kinect.

In short: I lost all trust on Microsoft. The Xbox one reveal just further justified the situation. They are a greedy and arrogant company that doesnt not care to please their customers, but to fool them out of their money. Sadly for them im smarter than that and wont fall on the same trap again.

As such, im through with microsoft and the Xbox. Microsoft cant be trusted. Even if they have some interesting games now, theres no garantee they wont pull the same stunt they did with the 360. They have alot to prove to regain the consumer trust.

Also, i was so displeased i got me a PS3 aswell cause it was making me sick to play on the Xbox360 after that Xboxone unveil. I got over it, but i only buy new games for the PS3 now.

This is pretty much why my friends are too.  As my friend Brock put it:  "Sony said:  This is a console for gamers.   And I was sold."

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sales2099 said:
Hynad said:
sales2099 said:
Is this necessary?

Some gamers are fickle and don't have corporate loyalties. Some buy based on what's cheaper. Most buy for the games library.

Only a niche minority actually care about things like corporate perception and policies behind the scenes that influence their taste in gaming.

You question the necessity of such a  thread? 

Why don't you start asking yourself this question whenever you feel compelled to post a comment in a Sony related thread? 

Im exempt because threads like this are all to common. Your post would have merit if there were as many people as me as there are of you.

You mad bro?

i owned all consoles of the last gen therefore I won't switch
i simply won't give money to a company that has 0 respect for gamers,gaming and games.

on the other hand i'll have to say thank you ms:
They could have tried to use the bad old "step by step" "bit by bit" tactic,implementing restrictions one after another(i'm pretty sure they will use this tactic now)
and the sheeple won't have realised it because they got softly used to them and I have to say thank you because they made all my predictions and conspiracy theories about ms and us corporations come true
and ms has proven that even smart people turn into lemmings and are willing to give up their rights and being obviously fooled and they accept this just to play some games and stupid brand loyalty.

Owned 2 xbox 360 this gen but i doubt i would get the ONE eventually because i lost some trust in them. First: RROD, Second: when i realized the 4 primary games rotation, Third: Xbox one anti consumer policies. They will need to do a lot of their marketing magic in order to get me back but i doubt it.

I haven't seen anything from Sony that would make me want to buy that system. But I have seen some things that would make me want an Xbox One.

Plus, I already realize like my Xbox 360, so it would be an upgraded and enhanced edition of that.

All things being equal – but the controller, I would still get a X1. I think the controller alone will be that much better (and I have used an X1 controller.) But I think there are more differences than that. I currently see Microsoft as a much more innovative company than Sony. I think they are pushing the future, and bringing it to us more than current Sony Corp.

Sony, was a great company, but seems to me to be just an empty bitter shell of what it was.

So, no, I am not going to buy a PS4.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

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kowenicki said:

That will do for me.  The thread is just an opportunity for people like... say Carl (a gamer) to do what they have been doing for the last month (for gamers)

What would that be exactly?

If the OP is asking 360 owners a question, surely I qualify. I have more Gamerscore than a lot of the 360 fanbase here, including you. I have spent more time gaming on my 360 than I have my PS3. I have had a Live sub for over 6 Years. Microsoft probably value me as an Xbox customer more than they value you.

Its a valid question that Michael is asking. I for one was firmly in the "I want to buy the next Xbox" camp, before they revealed the damn thing. I was excited. I thought they would win. That quickly changed between reveal and E3, with E3 itself pushing me further away than I thought I could be. The recent 180 has me interested again, but Im finding it really hard to justify buying one until a few Years down the line. Ive said that in all probability, I will eventually own an Xbox One. But within the next 2-3 Years? Its highly unlikely. There are better options for me currently and in the future for gaming experiences.

Its a thread to say why they lost certain customers (And maybe, how they might get them back). Microsoft acknowleged this, as is clear with the management shakeup. The Xbox team acknowleged this, as is clear with the 180 on policies. Xbox fans should learn to accept it, that they fucked up and lost a lot of momentum (and trust) when the ball really was in their court.


I'm switching cause its cheaper and the console is more powerful. I'm still getting an Xbox One though but when its price drops to $399 or $349. For some reason though I still think my primary console next generation will be the Xbox One.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

TV, sport, TV, sport, Kinnect, TV, sport.

Things I'm either not interested in or can already access for free.

Plus I don't trust them after the whole DRM thing.



        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron

This response should be titled "why I'm not buying an XB1 as an XB360 owner" since the 360 was at no point ever my gaming platform of choice.

In short, I'd rather play on a Windows PC than an XB1.

For the few XB1 exclusives that will be released, I can and will wait until the platform has more of these reasons to pick up another console and most likely at a price of $399.


As for why I pre-ordered a PS4: it was $399, if I only had one console currently sitting under my HDTV, it would be the PS3, and I can expect to see the same franchises I enjoyed playing on it appear on the PS4. Lastly, if I switch back to PSN+, then I know I'll have more new content to play every week than I'll have time to actually play. 

sth88 said:
I'm not. I've always enjoyed my experiences with Xbox consoles more than I have with any Playstation games, and looking at the upcoming lineup of games for the two new consoles, Microsoft again has the lineup of games that I find more compelling. It's not just an old stalwart like Halo that has me picking up an Xbox One; Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, and Project Spark all look really interesting, and they aren't titles I want to miss.

What has Sony got right now for me? Not much. Transistor for sure, but that game could still make it's way to Xbox. The Order 1886 might also be pretty cool, but I'm not 100% convinced yet. Other than that, nothing. I've no interest in their old franchises like Killzone or Infamous, and Knack is definitely not my kind of platformer.

I strongly disagree and I'd venture to say most of the world does too.  Outside of some downloadable titles, you do realize that the Xbox 360 didn't release a 90+ rated metacritic title (Not named Gears, Forza,Halo) since 2006?  There simply is extremely limited variety on the platform and that's why I will never personally purchase a 360 or Microsoft console until they fix that.  No games, no care to innovate, no care to create more software experiences.  All they've done is degrade the industry in my opinion.   

Turning the industry into an exclusive 'content' or timed-release exclusivity type situation in which nobody benefits.   All the money spent moneyhatting third party publishers would be far better invested into creating new, unique, genuine games.  They 'seem' to be trying to change that this generation but anyone that's giving them the benefit of the doubt just hasn't paid attention to their track record at this point.  Sony is the only system to consistently maintain support across every console.  

Obviously, it's all a personal preference but by and large Microsoft has rode the coat tails of Halo/Gears and Forza and very little else for far too long and their track record for supporting a consoles full lifespan is downright horrible.