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Nem said:

To be honest i had pretty much decided before the Xbox one had been announced.

Main reason is simple: They proved to me that once they got me as a costumer they dont care about me anymore. The first 2 years saw the release of many exclusive hardcore titles. I got my 360 for that and the lower price.
After those 2 years, exclusives stoped aside the microsoft pet series (halo/forza/fable/gears). I saw some of those old exclusives go to PS3 with expanded content, and i saw interesting exclusive after interesting exclusive on the PS3 as sony kept "feeding" their hardcore gamers with great games. Not to mention that Microsoft then proceeded to waste resources on pleasing casual gamers with the kinect.

In short: I lost all trust on Microsoft. The Xbox one reveal just further justified the situation. They are a greedy and arrogant company that doesnt not care to please their customers, but to fool them out of their money. Sadly for them im smarter than that and wont fall on the same trap again.

As such, im through with microsoft and the Xbox. Microsoft cant be trusted. Even if they have some interesting games now, theres no garantee they wont pull the same stunt they did with the 360. They have alot to prove to regain the consumer trust.

Also, i was so displeased i got me a PS3 aswell cause it was making me sick to play on the Xbox360 after that Xboxone unveil. I got over it, but i only buy new games for the PS3 now.

This is pretty much why my friends are too.  As my friend Brock put it:  "Sony said:  This is a console for gamers.   And I was sold."