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sth88 said:
I'm not. I've always enjoyed my experiences with Xbox consoles more than I have with any Playstation games, and looking at the upcoming lineup of games for the two new consoles, Microsoft again has the lineup of games that I find more compelling. It's not just an old stalwart like Halo that has me picking up an Xbox One; Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, and Project Spark all look really interesting, and they aren't titles I want to miss.

What has Sony got right now for me? Not much. Transistor for sure, but that game could still make it's way to Xbox. The Order 1886 might also be pretty cool, but I'm not 100% convinced yet. Other than that, nothing. I've no interest in their old franchises like Killzone or Infamous, and Knack is definitely not my kind of platformer.

I strongly disagree and I'd venture to say most of the world does too.  Outside of some downloadable titles, you do realize that the Xbox 360 didn't release a 90+ rated metacritic title (Not named Gears, Forza,Halo) since 2006?  There simply is extremely limited variety on the platform and that's why I will never personally purchase a 360 or Microsoft console until they fix that.  No games, no care to innovate, no care to create more software experiences.  All they've done is degrade the industry in my opinion.   

Turning the industry into an exclusive 'content' or timed-release exclusivity type situation in which nobody benefits.   All the money spent moneyhatting third party publishers would be far better invested into creating new, unique, genuine games.  They 'seem' to be trying to change that this generation but anyone that's giving them the benefit of the doubt just hasn't paid attention to their track record at this point.  Sony is the only system to consistently maintain support across every console.  

Obviously, it's all a personal preference but by and large Microsoft has rode the coat tails of Halo/Gears and Forza and very little else for far too long and their track record for supporting a consoles full lifespan is downright horrible.