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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Wright said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Wright said:


Then what's the wright option?

"With Friends" it allows you to create any kind of game you want (FFA, Stock, Coin, Teams, Stamina with giant fighters and tons of items, etc...) and since you're connecting directly to the people in your friends list, no more waiting around forever.

Riiiiight. This seems way more simple. I knew playing with friends worked good most of the time, but I didn't think of adding random people in Brawl's webpages to play with them especifically. I guess it naturally occur during matches.

It's not simple but it works.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network
hatmoza said:
I secretly want to hit a shovel across the heads of people who like Flower.

You're lucky badgenome isn't a mod.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

- I enjoy COD... COD4:MW is easily one of the top 10 games of this past generation, possibly top 5 for me.

- I hate Battlefield 3... uninspired design, horrible vehicle controls, terrible hit detection, and a short as hell campaign (even for FPS standards) that tries too hard to be like COD.

- I never thought I'd say this, but I no longer have any interest in Mario or Zelda games thanks to Nintendo's constant remaking and rehashing the classic games and elements of the series over and over again to the point where neither franchise has a soul anymore. Nostalgia only goes so far these days.

- The GameCube was the best system of last gen, even with its fugly as hell purple lunchbox design. Better (arguably best) graphics, faster load times, best controller of last gen (the Wavebird), and the best exclusives that weren't 3rd party defacto exclusives like GTA (which eventually received ports on Xbox).

- SEGA was a one hit wonder with the Genesis / Mega Drive, and the Dreamcast is the most overrated underrated console in history. There's a reason it didn't even make it to its 2nd birthday.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

FF7 is overrated.

Gamers buying the same shit every year and bitch about lack of innovation are the problem.

Master chief has no personality.

Mt Dew and Dorritos hurts American gaming.

COD and othe Military shooters , bullshit DLC and poor micro-transactions are cancer.
Rikku>Terra (lol Wright)

EDIT:more stuff

Mircosofts Cloud things is just fluff.

Gears of War was one the worst games I've play this gen. (shotgun fest)

PS4/V and 3DS only matters this gen.

Microsoft can't win a Gen even if they got the most money.

I want Capcom to burn none of their games interest me other than Okami and Viewiful Joe...won't see those games again.

The Half-Life 3 comfirm jokes are getting old.

XBL Gold is a rip off.

  • Half-Life 2 is an overrated, dreary corridor shooter that is surpassed by even the most generic and lame of modern FPS.
  • Demon's Souls' checkpointing is stupid and irritating.
  • Dead Space is neither especially scary nor remotely enjoyable.
  • Witcher 2 is seriously lacking in scope for a western RPG.
  • Mass Effect has been an excellent series throughout, and ME3 was the best in the trilogy.
  • TF2 is dull and repetitive, and only playable in short bursts.
  • Earlier Civilization games are unplayable compared to Civ 5.
  • Pretty much every game released during the 5th generation (and the first half of the 6th) is unplayable today. This includes many of the so-called "greatest games ever made": FF7, MGS, System Shock 2, Ocarina, Baldur's Gate and its sequel, KOTOR, the list goes on.
  • Mirror's Edge is a stupid idea, and it's nauseating and doesn't flow at all.

And until recently I would have said "Bastion is extremely overrated" but I gave that another try, and it's actually brilliant. It just has one of the worst openings of any game ever.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network


You guys are going crazy in here! O_o!

Well here we go:

1) I liked Suikoden 4
2) I still think if Chrono Cross was called "Radical Dreamers" it would have gotten more love.
3) WRPGs should have always stayed on the PC. They are terrible console games
4) And due to the above, i hang my head in shame with the fact that I have the plat trophy in Skyrim....
5) HEXEN is still the best FPS ever created
6) I have beaten Final Fantasy 1 in all its different forms over 30 times
7) I havent played half the games Ive purchased. 3/4 on Steam

Oh hell Ill add:

8) Majora's Mask is a better game than Ocarina in every way.

9) Eternal Darkness is the best game Nintendo has ever been part of.

Xen said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:

Saw this over on NeoGaf and people are having a ball with it, figured we try it here...

Here is the original OP from Gaf

State your "controversial" gaming opinion here, members of GAF: opinion that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts here in GAF or at large.

However, please be careful not to venture into trolling territory please :) And remember, do not herald your own personal opinion as the absolute truth that others must abide to or else.

Since the OP Over at Gaf started it out so will I

I think Uncharted is a closet DudeBro Game

Hah. Made me laugh. There's a dose of truth in this, I think.

Alright then, time to destroy my own image on this site:

  • I don't care of 99% of FPS games - Destiny and Titanfall included. If it's an FPS - it's just a missable FPS. Meh.
  • PC gaming is in no way a replacement for console gaming, thanks to all the console exclusives. All it offers is more control methods and better graphics - cheaper prices for games frequently, but if you hate DD like I do, it's less frequent.
  • DLC is satan
  • WRPG's are generally an uninspired bore, with some exceptions like KOTOR 1+2, Fallout 1-2, Baldur's Gate 2... some others (didn't play many - looking forward to play others)
  • A console is worthless without lots of good Japanese games
  • Uncharted and Killzone are deathfully overrated
  • Indies are uninspired and pretentious bores 90% of the time - the other 10% are games like Journey and Braid.
  • HD releleases are mostly pointless, without real benefit, with some exceptions. It's too bad that companies just love making them.
  • Achievements/Trophies are worthless
  • Aspirations for too much realism for the sake of realism in gaming will kill gaming. The point of playing is to be in unreal situations.
  • Zelda is nothing special - mostly boring.
  • Capcom is money-hungry satan, whose games you should NEVER EVER buy on launch. Wait for the super turbo kickass with dlc and costumes and content unlocked from disc edition.
  • Super Mario 3D World is looking fucking awesome.
  • God of War was boring since the third one. Stop fucking making them already.

And.. hmm... that would be it for now.. can't think of much more..

(please don't ban me )

Does not compute.

^Why doesn't it? I don't like Zelda, but SM3DW looked awesome.

hatmoza said:
I secretly want to hit a shovel across the heads of people who like Flower.

You want to hit them in the hea so they can move out of the way so you dig up a bunch of flowers to plant in your backyard so you can plat Flower virtually back there the next time you get high? Pretty good idea, hat lol


At the other comment


Nah you aint gonna get banned. I guess i should guess.You are saying that they ruined FF because we bought the FF games that we claimedsclaimed we didn't like? Or is it a deeper and harsher thing that you're certain will get you banned? Just asking..