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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

sth88 said:
I'm excited for the Xbox One.

thats the worst thing to be said in this thread

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Xen said:
artur-fernand said:
Xen said:

It's a joke it's not like I bashed anything, but many of the things I said, lots of people will disagree with.

The fans didn't ruin FF though. You can't blame people for buying a game to at least try it or because they like the franchise. With XIII-2, you can see SE trying to fix what XIII did wrong, though XIII did so much wrong that going even further is quite pointless.

On a sidenote, I really don't like hearing over and over how horrible FFXIII is and how it ruined the series. 90% of the time, people will say fake, imaginary issues to the game, like a "button-mashing battle system" or things that already existed on the series for years, like the classic "it's too linear".

I digress.

And I don't like hearing that it's any good. It isn't. If you wanna discuss, we can do it on my wall.

I have been summoned to a challenge. I shall accept it, I must defend the game's honor.

Wii U has better games than Xbox 360 & Xbox One combined.

bananaking21 said:
Wright said:

I have to say that Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are possibly the most overrated games of all existence.

i think they might be, ill probably be getting my hands on a wii soon, so ill judge them soon

They're not bad games. They're enjoyable. But they're far from the enormous hype they have.

GTA 4 is the best in the series
Handheld gaming is superior to home console gaming
Pokemon Generation 5 is the best generation
Fallout is better than Elder Scrolls
Brawl is better than Melee

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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BasilZero said:

Final Fantasy VII is on Steam AND ITS AWESOME HAPPENING!

That's not a controversial gaming opinion ;o

Well here goes. I think the ps4 is awesome. I was considering to get the xbox one before the reversal, well until I saw the price. I think the wii u is an underpowered/gimmicky console that isn't worth the asking price.(the highest sku that most people would get) It's almost insulting that it's so close to the price of the ps4. I've never played ff7 and don't enjoy mario games. The wii is an abomination of a console. woo feels good to get this off my chest.

BasilZero said:
Deyon said:
BasilZero said:

Final Fantasy VII is on Steam AND ITS AWESOME HAPPENING!

That's not a controversial gaming opinion ;o

You'll be surprised how many people are hating on it on different forums like GameFaqs ;p.

People on the internet hate FFVII because it's cool. That's no news, moving along.

- Microsoft is a terrible console developer, but I enjoy playing with the Kinect more than with the PS Move. :(
- Shooter games have been lately created for those who are constantly brainwashed by the US government, though I like a few of them...
- Halo and Gears of War are overrated
- God of War is as well
- The 3DS looks like a joke compared to the PS VITA, and it still has more success
- I consider RPG games boring and overrated
- LittleBigPlanet is probably the best platformer of all time, even better than my beloved Ratchet.
- Mario Galaxy is terrible
- Sony copies nintendo
- Microsoft copies Sony

I pretended to care about the whole DRM situation.