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FF7 is overrated.

Gamers buying the same shit every year and bitch about lack of innovation are the problem.

Master chief has no personality.

Mt Dew and Dorritos hurts American gaming.

COD and othe Military shooters , bullshit DLC and poor micro-transactions are cancer.
Rikku>Terra (lol Wright)

EDIT:more stuff

Mircosofts Cloud things is just fluff.

Gears of War was one the worst games I've play this gen. (shotgun fest)

PS4/V and 3DS only matters this gen.

Microsoft can't win a Gen even if they got the most money.

I want Capcom to burn none of their games interest me other than Okami and Viewiful Joe...won't see those games again.

The Half-Life 3 comfirm jokes are getting old.

XBL Gold is a rip off.