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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA and Disney Announce Star Wars Partnership!

Mr Khan said:

I do care for Star Wars games, just not to the degree of "begging."

And i think i'm being far more adult about it than EA is. EA is giving us the finger and talking like everything's still hunky-dory. At least i'm being straight about how i feel and what i want to see happen.

And did EA give any indication that that "effort" game existed? Does EA have one singular game in the pipe for Wii U? Have they not made the completely unprecedented step of no longer releasing Madden on a major home console?

While Criterion put effort into NFS: Most Wanted U, EA made sure it went out to die, just like they did with Mass Effect 3.

Yes. Theyre giving the Wii U the finger. Get over it already.

Madden 13 sold ~30,000 units. Its likely that 30,000 units hasnt even covered port costs. You have your reason for no Madden 14 right there. For comparisons sake using another console thats really struggling right now... Madden 13 on PS Vita sold over 250,000 units.

Right. Imagine this.

NIntendo and Square Enix announce a deal where the next 3 Final Fantasy games will be exclusive to Nintendo home consoles, with Nintendo publishing in the West.

People start laughing, saying "Oh great, now Square Enix really will go bankrupt! Fuck Square Enix!"

Would you mod them?


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AndrewWK said:
Mr Khan said:
All the more reason to get EA bankrupt now

Are you fucking serious? I mean I would report for this but then again who am i suppossed to turn to. If somebody would write something like this about Nintendo or Sony he would get banned instantly. 

This is T******g 101

But Sony and Nintendo (or pretty much any other publisher) aren't being as disrespectful as EA is being.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

AndrewWK said:
JOKA_ said:
I don't hate EA so I don't mind the news. I'm actually kind of surprised that visceral didn't get shut down after dead space 3, I think they could do a good dark Star Wars game.

Visceral Montreal got shut down tough

Oh whoops lol

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Mr Khan said:
Euphoria14 said:
Mr Khan said:
crissindahouse said:
Mr Khan said:
All the more reason to get EA bankrupt now

i wonder what you would do with a user saying that about nintendo. i bet he would get banned f

Fair enough.

Though this conversation will be revisited when they start announcing star wars games for every platform under the sun but Wii U and 3DS

Just get a different console if all this bothers you so much.

You're on the wrong page altogether here. I could be convinced to buy some Star Wars games, but EA's tactics with the Wii U are intolerable, and the company is fit for nothing but ridicule until they have changed their ways.

If you choose to let that dictate your purchases then so be it.

Your loss though.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Panama said:
RIP in Piece Starwars games.




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This is just great. A company should go bankrupt because they are not catering to my needs. This is not the first time either.

Reminds me of Watchmen. Who watches the Watchmen?

Mr Khan said:
AndrewWK said:
Mr Khan said:
All the more reason to get EA bankrupt now

Are you fucking serious? I mean I would report for this but then again who am i suppossed to turn to. If somebody would write something like this about Nintendo or Sony he would get banned instantly. 

This is T******g 101

But Sony and Nintendo (or pretty much any other publisher) aren't being as disrespectful as EA is being.

Ohh really? What about Activision Blizzard? Square Enix? Take Two? and even THQ when they existed? Capcom? Please explain to me what makes EA so evil, and those other big publishers Knights in shining Armor. 

And I really don´t wanna start a Nintendo debatte because it would escalate eventually. 

Carl2291 said:



i click but nothing happens

Mr Khan said:
Carl2291 said:
Mr Khan said:

Activision's actually been pretty good. They called the Wii U a next-gen console (why they didn't announce CoD:Ghosts yet), and Ubisoft has at least clumsily been trying to make up for the Rayman debacle. EA, meanwhile, has been thumbing their noses at us and laughing about it.

Again, they deserve nothing but contempt

And EA released Need for Speed: Most Wanted. The superior version. The version that had lots of effort put into it. EA released as many Wii U games in the last 3 Months as Nintendo did.

That game EA released has sold less than 20,000 units in just over a Month.

Mr Khan said:

Port begging would be if i actually wanted these games. This is about a company being a bunch of spoiled children, and asking them to man the hell up and act like adults for the good of the industry.

So you dont care for these Star Wars games and youre just here complaining because they no longer seem to be acknowledging your console of choice?

You should re-read your last sentence.

I do care for Star Wars games, just not to the degree of "begging."

And i think i'm being far more adult about it than EA is. EA is giving us the finger and talking like everything's still hunky-dory. At least i'm being straight about how i feel and what i want to see happen.

And did EA give any indication that that "effort" game existed? Does EA have one singular game in the pipe for Wii U? Have they not made the completely unprecedented step of no longer releasing Madden on a major home console?

While Criterion put effort into NFS: Most Wanted U, EA made sure it went out to die, just like they did with Mass Effect 3.

Yes because we all know EA have the magical powers of making people buy their games but they conveniently refuse to use this power when it comes to the WIIU. Do you know how ridiculous you sound? Why should they continue to waste money?

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

crissindahouse said:

i click but nothing happens

lol, kinda reminds me of this video.

On another note, for people who dont remember Star Wars 1313 -