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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is Obama the Worst President that we have ever had?

Obama is not worst than the average president, actually its above par, which isnt saying much...

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I'm just amazed by how George W. Bush had put so many American Journalist in prison and was warn about 9/11 many months in advance so many times by so many people in such specific detail, and yet people try to say he was a good president.

Even Bill Clinton warned G.W. Bush 3 times throughout 2001 about terrorist planning on hijacking a plane to drive into the Twin Towers and Bush didn't even bother to look into it. And when one of the people who worked at the White House told him about this specific plot going on, he just said; Okay you cover your butt now leave me alone. Either Bush was ignoring the upcoming 9/11 plot or he intentionally let them get away with it, to get revenge on Saddam Hussen for almost killing his father (George H.W. Bush) during his father's presidency, when Saddam shot down the plane G.H.W. Bush was in.

And anyone who puts American Journalist in jail for doing their legal job, is just being a communist dictator. And then there's over 1 million American kids who went homeless from 2001 to 2005. And then there are all the free government programs we use to have that were cut to be no more ever again. And then there's how over 98% of George W. Bush's Tax Increases where on the middle class only.

Bill Clinton was far worse.

AstroGamer said:
You can't blame Lincoln for all 625000 lives. The civil war was about to happen anyway. Tensions were high and compromise was failing. The election of Lincoln was merely the instigator for secession. If lincoln let the secession occur without a conflict, he would have been a worse president, putting the United States in a state of weakness and could have easily been abused starting future foreign wars in the Americas. I think one war is better than setting the country for multiple wars.
Jackson also started the spoils system, which would have put people who supported him in the bureaucracy thus making most of the executive branch on his side. He also directly disobeyed the Supreme Court in causing the Trail of Tears, thus making the Supreme Court powerless unless Jackson agreed. These could easily have helped him set up a fascist state in the United States. He's one of the better President but he also had some clear problems with his leadership. It's good that he was a believer in state rights else he would have made the US into a dictatorship

Yeah, blaming Lincoln for the deaths in a civil war is as dumb as blaming Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction and starting a war.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
AstroGamer said:
You can't blame Lincoln for all 625000 lives. The civil war was about to happen anyway. Tensions were high and compromise was failing. The election of Lincoln was merely the instigator for secession. If lincoln let the secession occur without a conflict, he would have been a worse president, putting the United States in a state of weakness and could have easily been abused starting future foreign wars in the Americas. I think one war is better than setting the country for multiple wars.
Jackson also started the spoils system, which would have put people who supported him in the bureaucracy thus making most of the executive branch on his side. He also directly disobeyed the Supreme Court in causing the Trail of Tears, thus making the Supreme Court powerless unless Jackson agreed. These could easily have helped him set up a fascist state in the United States. He's one of the better President but he also had some clear problems with his leadership. It's good that he was a believer in state rights else he would have made the US into a dictatorship

Yeah, blaming Lincoln for the deaths in a civil war is as dumb as blaming Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction and starting a war.

There where NO weapons of mass destruction, Bush just wanted revenge on Saddam Hussein for almost killing his father during his farther's Presidency.

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Forget the past Iraq is done, its obamacare thats gonna make us grab our ankles. its funny to watch the congress talk about wanting to exempt them and their aids from obamacare, it must not be that damn good. why should I have to as well?

Drones watching americans, the big ass monitoring site in utah, the sequester that affects everyone but him and his vacations and not to mention the homeland security buying millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition. it bizzaro world. people are sleeping. either that or idiocracy was a prophecy that happened alot quicker.

If bush was president hell would break loose. not to mention the media. Benghazi wouldnt have passed by, unemployment would NOT be acceptable at over %7 when its really over %14 since he changed the way it was measured. its this biased that woke me up and my dwindling paycheck that doesnt buy as much as it used to.

None are so blind than those who refuse to see.


LiquorandGunFun said:
Forget the past Iraq is done, its obamacare thats gonna make us grab our ankles. its funny to watch the congress talk about wanting to exempt them and their aids from obamacare, it must not be that damn good. why should I have to as well?

Drones watching americans, the big ass monitoring site in utah, the sequester that affects everyone but him and his vacations and not to mention the homeland security buying millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition. it bizzaro world. people are sleeping. either that or idiocracy was a prophecy that happened alot quicker.

If bush was president hell would break loose. not to mention the media. Benghazi wouldnt have passed by, unemployment would NOT be acceptable at over %7 when its really over %14 since he changed the way it was measured. its this biased that woke me up and my dwindling paycheck that doesnt buy as much as it used to.

None are so blind than those who refuse to see.

You had my support until bolded area. The media never changed what they reported as unemployment. The U-3 unemployment rate has been consistently reported. The 14% is the U-6, which includes: 

Not only people without work seeking full-time employment (the more familiar U-3 rate), but also counts "marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons."

Obama has focussed on social issues in a time when economic reform and cuts are necessary. He's kicking the can down the road and not addressing the problem.

Kaizar said:

Don't forget that lunatic Steve Harper who change the Canadian health care system for the worse, and under his time in office Canada became so bad that everyone locks their doors since during his first some years, excluding some small towns in Canada where people still keep their doors unlock.

I hope Canadian health care system returns to the functions it was back before he became prime minister.

Ohhh don't get me started on harper...for the love of GOD don't get me started.  I get with th deficit reduction but he is systematically destroying needed offices that monitor environmental concerns etc etc.  He's awful.  Another case of being the lesser of evils at election time. :(

Is Obama the worst president ever as question by the op with a lot of fox drivel statements.

This statement is the answer to all the b.s. this president had to endure from day 1

(Republican)Toomey “In the end it didn’t pass because we’re so politicized. There were some on my side who did not want to be seen helping the president do something he wanted to get done, just because the president wanted to do it,”

There is no more statement that is as indicative of the state of the rapid toxic state of the congressional right.

Obamas problem is hes too freakin nice if that makes him the worst he is

the real problem is the federal reserve.

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