Forget the past Iraq is done, its obamacare thats gonna make us grab our ankles. its funny to watch the congress talk about wanting to exempt them and their aids from obamacare, it must not be that damn good. why should I have to as well?
Drones watching americans, the big ass monitoring site in utah, the sequester that affects everyone but him and his vacations and not to mention the homeland security buying millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition. it bizzaro world. people are sleeping. either that or idiocracy was a prophecy that happened alot quicker.
If bush was president hell would break loose. not to mention the media. Benghazi wouldnt have passed by, unemployment would NOT be acceptable at over %7 when its really over %14 since he changed the way it was measured. its this biased that woke me up and my dwindling paycheck that doesnt buy as much as it used to.
None are so blind than those who refuse to see.