I'm just amazed by how George W. Bush had put so many American Journalist in prison and was warn about 9/11 many months in advance so many times by so many people in such specific detail, and yet people try to say he was a good president.
Even Bill Clinton warned G.W. Bush 3 times throughout 2001 about terrorist planning on hijacking a plane to drive into the Twin Towers and Bush didn't even bother to look into it. And when one of the people who worked at the White House told him about this specific plot going on, he just said; Okay you cover your butt now leave me alone. Either Bush was ignoring the upcoming 9/11 plot or he intentionally let them get away with it, to get revenge on Saddam Hussen for almost killing his father (George H.W. Bush) during his father's presidency, when Saddam shot down the plane G.H.W. Bush was in.
And anyone who puts American Journalist in jail for doing their legal job, is just being a communist dictator. And then there's over 1 million American kids who went homeless from 2001 to 2005. And then there are all the free government programs we use to have that were cut to be no more ever again. And then there's how over 98% of George W. Bush's Tax Increases where on the middle class only.