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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is Obama the Worst President that we have ever had?

Only things that have affected me in Obama's presidency has been an tax increase and my health insurance premiums going up (and will be even higher at next re-enrollment!). So, not very good stuff. Doesn't help that he has so poorly handled his increased warfare and drone tactics. Not a great worldwide image.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Kasz216 said:
richardhutnik said:
Jumpin said:

Obama is actually the only good president the US has had in over 30 years, except for maybe Clinton. The rest of them were villainous and can even be described as disasterous in some cases.

Past 30 years?  In short, you are saying the only decent presidents America has had the past 30 years are Democrats?  You consider Sr. Bush villanous?

We are 30 years past Carter, which is the only reason why I have to ask about Democrats.

That's the funny thing... you could make the arguement that George Bush Senior has been the best president in a long time.  ESPIECALLY after the GFC if you put a lot of Blame on the repeal of Glass-Steagal  (That Clinton supported and pushed for.)

Also the only one to not get a second term....

largely because he rose taxes to fight a budget deficit and refused to completely invade Iraq.


He's hated for like the exact opposite of everything his son is hated for.

Yeah the American people refuse to support tax increases even when they make sense.  He did the right thing in hindsight but it was too late and people got all caught up in him lying during the campaign about not raising them.  They refuse to look at pros and cons just "he broke his word therefore the other guy will be better" which is always a bad piece of logic to vote on.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

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Warden of Platformers

Kasz216 said:
I'd say James Buchanan.

Or possibly Andrew Jackson. Jacksonian Democracy wasn't worth the body count and would of happened anyway.

finally someone with historical perspective.  Can't believe you're the only one to agree with me about James Buchanan.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Kasz216 said:
I'd say James Buchanan.

Or possibly Andrew Jackson. Jacksonian Democracy wasn't worth the body count and would of happened anyway.

Andrew Jackson is and will probably always be my number 1 pick for this dubious award.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

platformmaster918 said:
Kasz216 said:
richardhutnik said:
Jumpin said:

Obama is actually the only good president the US has had in over 30 years, except for maybe Clinton. The rest of them were villainous and can even be described as disasterous in some cases.

Past 30 years?  In short, you are saying the only decent presidents America has had the past 30 years are Democrats?  You consider Sr. Bush villanous?

We are 30 years past Carter, which is the only reason why I have to ask about Democrats.

That's the funny thing... you could make the arguement that George Bush Senior has been the best president in a long time.  ESPIECALLY after the GFC if you put a lot of Blame on the repeal of Glass-Steagal  (That Clinton supported and pushed for.)

Also the only one to not get a second term....

largely because he rose taxes to fight a budget deficit and refused to completely invade Iraq.


He's hated for like the exact opposite of everything his son is hated for.

Yeah the American people refuse to support tax increases even when they make sense.  He did the right thing in hindsight but it was too late and people got all caught up in him lying during the campaign about not raising them.  They refuse to look at pros and cons just "he broke his word therefore the other guy will be better" which is always a bad piece of logic to vote on.

What was unemployment under George Senior compare to Reagen's first term?

And how was the Economy under George Senior compare to Reagan's first term?

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Any moderate success he had during his 1st term has or will be nullified by his God-awful, lame duck 2nd term that we are only beginning to endure.

We're not even 4 months in and already he's blown his political capital pushing BS gun control laws that do nothing to prevent tragedies like the Newtown and Aurora shootings, nor prevent criminals from obtaining guns. Now there are members of Congress in his own party worried about the negative impact Obamacare will have on millions of Americans once it goes into full effect next year. There's already talk that Democrats are at risk of losing their Senate majority in the 2014 elections if things don't turn around real quick for Obama.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I don't think that Obama can necessarily be considered a great president, but he is far from bad.

- Obama inherited an economy that was already crumbling because of the sub-prime crap
- Obama did not put the USA in debt, any debt he has incurred was going to happen anyhow
- A president cannot fix the mistakes of the previous president in 4 or 8 years. The mistakes in the US have been brewing for decades
- The poor have been getting poorer for 2 decades in the US
- Large sodas were taken away by local state governments which Obama supported not led
- The lack of a majority in the house and lack of a massive majority in the senate cost Obama gun laws
- Obama has been conitually reducing US commitment to wars around the world
- BP destroyed the gulf of mexico, Obama had nothing to do with it
- Local state governments legalized Marijuana
- The US credit rating was headed south long before Obama took power

The US needs to look all of themselves in the mirror and ask, "What can I do to fix the US". It, like every other country is not perfect.

Things that all people need to realize:

- The US is not the best country in the world to live, in fact it is one of the worst in the 1st and 2nd world countries in my opinion through many visits to different countries
- Government cannot fix your problems, people fix problems themselves through positive actions
- The lack of logical and prudent controls of banking, firearms, and corporations has resulted in a country that will eat itself to survive and perpetuate its flaws. People in the US have to realize that although too much controls are restrictive, proper controls can improve everything for everyone.

I live in Canada. We have lots of issues as well, but we are faring much better than most countries through the great recession. I am proud of how well we have weathered the storm and how we don't have huge problems with guns like the US. Our problems seem minor in comparison to what the US is currently dealing with.

Kaizar said:
Horrorfest said:
Rofl at you criticizing legalizing pot which is long overdue should be national and is a goldmine but I'm assuming you're just another one who knows little to know nothing about it. Is Obama a shitty president? yes, is he the worst? far from it. Our debt is around thanks to Bush, Obama is making it worse but he didnt start it.

Bill Clinton is a more shitty president then Obama, and Bill Clinton is a great president.

Barack (Jewish name) Obama (Kenyan Name) has done much more better for recovery our country then Clinton ever did, but Clinton had it easy compare to Obama.

And Obama actually started to get some Health Care things done, while Bill Clinton gave up and sold out to the Health Insurance corporations.

Marijuana is more safer then Red Wine, and Wine is Legal, so yeah way over do since like the 1930's.

"Corporate Tobacco Cigarettes"appear to be more worse then smoking Heroine for crying out loud, and it will hopefully be made illegal some day because of the scientific comparison.

Under Bush we had 2 different national debts, one was 10 to 12 trillion dollars, and the other was 45 trillion dollars, which comes to a total of 55 to 57 trillion dollars of the combine total of the United States of America national debt when Obama came into office in January 2009.

I agree with most everything you said but Obama has started to get some health care things done? If you mean by destroying healthcare, sure. Easily Obama's biggest fuck up. Thanks to this scumbag people have more limited insurance, have had costs rise or lose insurance all together. I myself only have limited insurance now ever since Obama started screwing with things.

Andrew Jackson killed the "federal reserve" and restored the rights to congress where they belong. Great President. I say that, even though he marched Cherokee and two other tribes to their deaths. Top 5 pick.

Lincoln is the worst president. He massacred 650,000 of us Americans. Jailed journalists. Deported congressmen. Destroyed state sovereignty. The ultimate federalist.  He ended slavery.. But his goal was federalization.  And he gets credit for greenbacks but Jackson made it possible.