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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can be the rpg console of 2008

well i think 360 will continue to get alot of rpgs,but i dont think they will be the best for rpgs this year(its either wii or ps3)

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I think they effect on X360 sales in Japan .. positive!
look at the XBOX and X360
X360 is much stronger
XBOX died on third year and sold only 37K !
look at this year .. and you will see the difference
I think this year X360 will sell more than 300K

M$ really work hard .. and succes doesn't come on one day !

yes the last remnant is a ps3 game and will sell better on that console but the fact that sqare enix is releasing them at them same is a pretty big deal

^are you sure its the same time i think i heard that its releaseing first for xbox 360

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

lets look at dmc4 as an example

the first 3 were all ps2 exclusive and and capcom didn't even think it would affect sales at all.

then ninja gaiden came along and sld decently well showing there was a good hack and slash audience on 360

now dmc4 is multiplatform and the 360 will acount for a large part of its sales maybe even 1/3

if the rpg games like lost oddyssey can have the same effect we can see more mutiplatform rpgs

dont veiw it so black and white its a complicated industry

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Unfortunately the 360 has been a victim of its own success, and public perception has become skewed which has lead to numerous erroneous assumptions about the consoles library. While many on these forums dwell on the first person shooter lineup the 360 hasn't suffered from a lack of role playing games. Contrary to popular opinion is has actually had the better selection. Not only has it had the greater volume, but the most highly acclaimed titles last year.

The 360 was the RPG console of choice last year even though some adamantly deny it thats a fact. Oblivion shivering aisles, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, and Two World. Compound that with titles released in 2006, and the delayed titles still to hit North America, and you see that Microsoft hasn't done a poor job of this at all. To say that they have you basically have to tear Nintendo and Sony a new one for their pitiful performance on the scene. The difference is that real.

That said whether people acknowledge it or not of the current generation of consoles Microsoft firmly held the crown last year, and it looks like they will solidly hold it for at the very last five or even six more months. So the only question is can we overlook the doldrums of the other two consoles in the first half of the year. Thats a hard question the others have to come on real strong in the second half, and they need for Microsoft to not release a couple more undisclosed exclusives in the genre this year. Microsoft drops a couple of those bomb shells, and they should have this year secured too.

Any way I don't think its a question of can Microsoft do it as much as it is a question of what Nintendo and Sony can do to stop them. Microsoft has momentum, and they are consistently delivering titles in the genre. We got Kingdom Under Fire earlier this month. We have Lost Odyssey next month, and Dark Messiah. For March they have Spectral Force coming out, and at some point Conan will make the scene. They certainly aren't stagnating. Hell they are pouring it on.

TheBigFatJ said:
In 2007 the 360 seemed to have the most software, some of which was great, but a ton of good-but-not-great software. That's the kind of thing that won it for the PS2: some great software combined with a lot of good-but-not-great software.

And yet somehow the PS3 managed to outperform the 360 in 2007, basically selling the same amount (which was unexpected). As the software gap closes, one has to wonder how console sales will fare.

The 360 outperformed the PS3 in 2007.... the 360 outsold the PS3 by 400,000 units

I think you're getting confused with the PS3's 1st year vs. 360's 1st year


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


no u have 2 have good RPgs and most of the good ones are on the ps3 also.. plus ff13..... nuff said

After seeing DragonLords PS3 RPG post on ps3forum, i doubt that the 360 will be the RPG console. Mainly cuz of FF, White Knight Chronicles, Disgaea 3, Shin Megemi Tensei Project, and some of the games on the possibility list, if they do come out *cough*ffvii remake*cough*. These are all either promising games(White Knight Story) from famous developers, or games with a huge fan base to not worry about sales(FFXIII and FFvXIII and Disgaea 3, SMT).

kingofwale said:
it's no different than 07, with Trusty Bell and Blue Dragon. and what did they do on Xbox?

Let's face it, Xbox will NEVER be a place RPG hardcore gamers look for JRPG games, the sooner Microsoft gives up and focus on what they do best, the better they will be.

Yeah, you're right!  <--- sarcasm

Microsoft should just give up! Who cares about the fact that they have the most WRPG's and JRPG's! Who cares that they even have more announce RPGs this year then the other two consoles! I'm sure the Hardcore RPG players who are looking for their next fix will just sit on their ass and not touch one of the biggest RPG librairies avaible for next gen consoles.  <--- sarcasm

@Kingofwale - Are you a even hardcore RPG gamer??  <--- rhetorical question

Sony should give up on FPS's and give Resistance 2 to the 360 because thats where FPS's belong"  <---- yep sounds as retarded as your comment

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Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)