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kingofwale said:
it's no different than 07, with Trusty Bell and Blue Dragon. and what did they do on Xbox?

Let's face it, Xbox will NEVER be a place RPG hardcore gamers look for JRPG games, the sooner Microsoft gives up and focus on what they do best, the better they will be.

Yeah, you're right!  <--- sarcasm

Microsoft should just give up! Who cares about the fact that they have the most WRPG's and JRPG's! Who cares that they even have more announce RPGs this year then the other two consoles! I'm sure the Hardcore RPG players who are looking for their next fix will just sit on their ass and not touch one of the biggest RPG librairies avaible for next gen consoles.  <--- sarcasm

@Kingofwale - Are you a even hardcore RPG gamer??  <--- rhetorical question

Sony should give up on FPS's and give Resistance 2 to the 360 because thats where FPS's belong"  <---- yep sounds as retarded as your comment

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