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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fans Same Excuse?

curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
freebs2 said:
Soleron said:
VGKing said:
Soleron said:
Well yes it needs all the GC games to even get to 20m. But those are already a given. What we mean by "needs games" is EITHER third party tier-one treatment, or some breakout mass market games like Wii.

GC type games are NOT mass market.

Well Wii U has mass market games. 2D Mario being the best example and Call of Duty Black OPs 2 being the other. What went wrong?

CoD wasn't tier one treatment because of the late release and lack of online features

I don't know why 2D Mario didn't work.

Imo Mario is not working because of the price point, some people are still willing to buy it but not for 399$. I think NSMB is more of a "2nd flow" kind of game, it works on an enstablished console and if the price is affordable, it doesn't fit wery well as a launch game.

nonsense, Super Mario world, land and the original all say hi. Hell even the GBA rerelease

That's funny, I don't recall the SNES, Gameboy or GBA costing $350-399... ;)

you sure, i was accounting for inflation at least for the home consoles, but what the hell you might be right. If that is true then there are no true system movers?

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oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

nonsense, Super Mario world, land and the original all say hi. Hell even the GBA rerelease

That's funny, I don't recall the SNES, Gameboy or GBA costing $350-399... ;)

you sure, i was accounting for inflation at least for the home consoles, but what the hell you might be right. If that is true then there are no true system movers?

There's customers who will buy a $350 console for a game, but not NSMB's audience. At any rate, most system sellers are more of a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing; the overall library has to appealing enough that one very appealing game tips the buyer over the edge. Wii U isn't there yet.

Wii U has asymmetric gaming which is a brilliant new way to play with friends and family. Once they start bringing out more game to really demonstrate how good it is the Wii U will take off. The Wii had Wii Sports right off the bat to demonstrate it's potential. Wii U really hasn't had that game yet.

curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

nonsense, Super Mario world, land and the original all say hi. Hell even the GBA rerelease

That's funny, I don't recall the SNES, Gameboy or GBA costing $350-399... ;)

you sure, i was accounting for inflation at least for the home consoles, but what the hell you might be right. If that is true then there are no true system movers?

There's customers who will buy a $350 console for a game, but not NSMB's audience. At any rate, most system sellers are more of a "straw that broke the camel's back" thing; the overall library has to appealing enough that one very appealing game tips the buyer over the edge. Wii U isn't there yet.

fair enough

The WiiU isn't an ugly purple box. It matters.

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snyps said:
am i the only one that thinks dvd functionality is what slaughtered ps2's competition? When ps2 released there was no games for it. But ppl drove up the install base by purchasing it to play dvds. The large install base gave developers reason to get working. Its a perfect storm.

I totally agree, a lot of people who didn't play video games before the PS2, bought it it for the cheap DVD player. The games followed.


KingHades said:

Every Wii U or Nintendo fan uses the same excuse for the Wii U.Their excuse is it's lack of games. Now here's where that excuse does not help there cause in the Wii U selling at least more than 45mil.

The GameCube had plenty of Mario Games,Two Pokemon Games,and Four Zelda games if I am correct yet it was the least selling console last gen and was outsold by the XBox the Rookie Console. Nintendo is an established company with a loyal following,but got ousted by the Rookie which was not established.

So can anyone give me the answer to why they rely on the games arguement when that isn't even guarenteed to boost the Wii U sales by alot.

Please no going off-topic keep it within the topic range and no trolling





Here's where YOUR "logical conclusion" doesn't hold a drop of water.


When the Gamecube released, America and the world had a VERY different economy. The economy, while "recovering", is still shit right now compared to how things were back in 2001. If you don't realize that, you need to seriously get an education.


And more importantly, why the fuck do you people keep popping up with a million different variations on the "Nintendo is doomed" bullshit threads?


Let's just say, FOR A MOMEMENT, just to humor this retardation, that the Wii U failed miserably, doesn't make Nintendo money, etc. etc.  Okay? My question then, is IN that highly unlikely scenario, where do people like you who wasted their time and precious brain cells writing threads like this, stand? Because the impression I get is that you people are either trolling, or you're so fucking nerdy that you actually would derive some sort of perverse gamer-pleasure from seeing Nintendo fail. So what? So that you and your Playstation/Xbox fanboy buddies can high five each other and say "YEAH, see I TOLD you our system was better!"?

Sorry, I just don't get it. I literally don't see a logical, intelligent, or coherant point to any of these dumb fuckin' threads. If it succeeds, it succeeds. If it fails, it fails. What, as someone who goes out of his way to address other people as "Nintendo Fans", making the clear distinction that you're NOT a "Nintendo Fan", then does it matter to you, at all? The whole thing just seems incredilby childish and pointless. This isn't early 90s playground territory, saying "MY Sega's better than YOUR Nintendo!"  


I really think the gaming community needs to try and grow the fuck up. It's 2013.

RazorDragon said:

I've never heard of many games, and that doesn't change the fact that they exist. Your argument is invalid because every game you mentioned that wasn't exclusive had a Gamecube version, and the GC offered new franchises and Western styled games. Hell, GC even had an exclusive MGS game.

Also, I don't know if you read my first post, but, as I said there, there's no understandable reason GC sold so low IMO, and, whatever the reason was, it certainly didn't had any correlation with the games.

Yet the vast majority were exclusives and new series....which is my entire point *facepalm*

Never hearing of them shows how they were not popular. Everyone has heard of Halo and the games I mentioned. Few have heard of the ones you mentioned.

So what Western styled games are you talking about? You do have to, you know,  NAME those games right? Just saying "IT HAD SOMEE!!!" doesn't make it true.


Ha! So there is no reason in your mind? Well it shows that reality and your mind seem to be seperate then doesn't it.

RazorDragon said:
KungKras said:
Counter question. If it's not games, then what is it?

I believe the real problem is in how Nintendo handled the Wii after 2010. They completely stopped releasing games for it, causing 3rd parties to do the same, thus making the system irrelevant in the market and throwing people's expectations of more awesome games through the roof(after 2010 which was the best year software-wise for the Wii, IMO). It wouldn't be a problem if Wii U was released 6 months after the drought, but it wasn't. After dropping Wii support, they took 2 years to release the successor. People lost confidence on Nintendo, and that's a hard thing to regain.

You're absolutely correct.

But what is the one thing that can save a system in a dire spot? (Like the pre-Sonic Megadrive, the PS3, 1993 SNES, etc)


I don't understand why a lot of people talk about the GameCube like it was some misunderstood console that never got the attention it deserved. Yes, GameCube had great games like Pikmin and Metroid Prime. Yes, it could argued that Resident Evil's best era (in terms of quality) was on the GameCube. Yes, it did have some quality exclusive third party games.

However, what most of you don't seem to remember is that GameCube still lacked the games that made PS2 such a hit. GameCube didn't have a GTA game. It didn't have a Devil May Cry game. It had a Metal Gear game,but it was a remake that was released way too late to make a difference. Also, when people say the GameCube lacked games, they also meant that it didn't have the right games at the right time. It had good launch titles, but then it was proceeded by a dry eight months with hardly any quality games other than Resident Evil, Sonic Adventure 2, and Eternal Darkness. And online play? More like a lack of it. Nintendo never really supported online features for the GameCube. In fact, Sega was a bigger supporter of it than Nintendo. The GBA Link cable was an idea that was born prematurely and wouldn't be fully realized until the Nintendo DS. Not to mention it was too much hardware. Wanna know why The Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords Adventure didn't do so well? Well, it emphasized on multiplayer, yet required way too much hardware. You needed four GBA's and four GBA link cables.

As for GameCube's best games, let's look at them. The Pikmin games were great and sold decently, but the RTS genre doesn't exactly sell consoles. The Metroid Prime games were great, but again, Metroid isn't one of Nintendo's most popular frnachises. It's actually one of their least popular franchises. Super Mario Sunshine wasn't necessarily pushing the platforming genre forward the way Mario 64 did. Resident Evil did okay, but even back in the early 2000's survival horror games did not sell consoles.

So, that's what GameCube's problem was. It didn't have the right games at the right time, it didn't have the types of games that actually sell consoles, even if the games themselves sold. Online play was unrealized. The GBA link feature came out of the womb too early. That's just a few problems that system had.

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