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I don't understand why a lot of people talk about the GameCube like it was some misunderstood console that never got the attention it deserved. Yes, GameCube had great games like Pikmin and Metroid Prime. Yes, it could argued that Resident Evil's best era (in terms of quality) was on the GameCube. Yes, it did have some quality exclusive third party games.

However, what most of you don't seem to remember is that GameCube still lacked the games that made PS2 such a hit. GameCube didn't have a GTA game. It didn't have a Devil May Cry game. It had a Metal Gear game,but it was a remake that was released way too late to make a difference. Also, when people say the GameCube lacked games, they also meant that it didn't have the right games at the right time. It had good launch titles, but then it was proceeded by a dry eight months with hardly any quality games other than Resident Evil, Sonic Adventure 2, and Eternal Darkness. And online play? More like a lack of it. Nintendo never really supported online features for the GameCube. In fact, Sega was a bigger supporter of it than Nintendo. The GBA Link cable was an idea that was born prematurely and wouldn't be fully realized until the Nintendo DS. Not to mention it was too much hardware. Wanna know why The Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords Adventure didn't do so well? Well, it emphasized on multiplayer, yet required way too much hardware. You needed four GBA's and four GBA link cables.

As for GameCube's best games, let's look at them. The Pikmin games were great and sold decently, but the RTS genre doesn't exactly sell consoles. The Metroid Prime games were great, but again, Metroid isn't one of Nintendo's most popular frnachises. It's actually one of their least popular franchises. Super Mario Sunshine wasn't necessarily pushing the platforming genre forward the way Mario 64 did. Resident Evil did okay, but even back in the early 2000's survival horror games did not sell consoles.

So, that's what GameCube's problem was. It didn't have the right games at the right time, it didn't have the types of games that actually sell consoles, even if the games themselves sold. Online play was unrealized. The GBA link feature came out of the womb too early. That's just a few problems that system had.

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