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KingHades said:

Every Wii U or Nintendo fan uses the same excuse for the Wii U.Their excuse is it's lack of games. Now here's where that excuse does not help there cause in the Wii U selling at least more than 45mil.

The GameCube had plenty of Mario Games,Two Pokemon Games,and Four Zelda games if I am correct yet it was the least selling console last gen and was outsold by the XBox the Rookie Console. Nintendo is an established company with a loyal following,but got ousted by the Rookie which was not established.

So can anyone give me the answer to why they rely on the games arguement when that isn't even guarenteed to boost the Wii U sales by alot.

Please no going off-topic keep it within the topic range and no trolling





Here's where YOUR "logical conclusion" doesn't hold a drop of water.


When the Gamecube released, America and the world had a VERY different economy. The economy, while "recovering", is still shit right now compared to how things were back in 2001. If you don't realize that, you need to seriously get an education.


And more importantly, why the fuck do you people keep popping up with a million different variations on the "Nintendo is doomed" bullshit threads?


Let's just say, FOR A MOMEMENT, just to humor this retardation, that the Wii U failed miserably, doesn't make Nintendo money, etc. etc.  Okay? My question then, is IN that highly unlikely scenario, where do people like you who wasted their time and precious brain cells writing threads like this, stand? Because the impression I get is that you people are either trolling, or you're so fucking nerdy that you actually would derive some sort of perverse gamer-pleasure from seeing Nintendo fail. So what? So that you and your Playstation/Xbox fanboy buddies can high five each other and say "YEAH, see I TOLD you our system was better!"?

Sorry, I just don't get it. I literally don't see a logical, intelligent, or coherant point to any of these dumb fuckin' threads. If it succeeds, it succeeds. If it fails, it fails. What, as someone who goes out of his way to address other people as "Nintendo Fans", making the clear distinction that you're NOT a "Nintendo Fan", then does it matter to you, at all? The whole thing just seems incredilby childish and pointless. This isn't early 90s playground territory, saying "MY Sega's better than YOUR Nintendo!"  


I really think the gaming community needs to try and grow the fuck up. It's 2013.