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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Some Japanese Dev claims SSBB is unfit for Wii

RolStoppable said:

Some Austrian guy has doubts about the Wii

 I knew it.

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Like bigjon said, good post from Dodece. SSB goes to the same category with SMG, Mario Kart, GTA, GT, Forza etc. A game that anyone can pick up and play and still has enough things to do to entertain the hardcore. This actually goes with nearly every highest selling IP.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

well by the way he was saying it he doesnt really sound like a game developer to me,he could be one but doesnt sound like one

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Dodece said:
While I agree with the premise hardcore games have had at best a checkered past on the console, and if you remove Nintendo from the equation the light of hope vanishes from the room. Call them Hardcore, Mature, or Advanced. Whatever the name you choose they do not perform well. Their casual brethren are gold mines, while they are money pits.

That said I do not agree with the game being sighted for demonstration purposes. First it is a franchise with name brand recognition. We all know that improves sales regardless of quality. The next Final Fantasy can be utter garbage and sell over two million copies on name alone. Second a strong lack of competition on its respective console will only increase sales. Red Steel sold so well on the Wii thanks to absolutely no competition in its genre and a weak library to contend with at the time. A great game with little competition will do well.

The third reason its a bad game to sight for this phenomena, and it is blatantly obvious. Smash Brothers as a game and as a franchise was never a hardcore or mature game to begin with. This is a old school casual game. I know some don't want to even think they are hyped about a casual game, but casual is not a four letter word synonymous with a bowel movement. This is a game that anyone can play. This is a fast paced button masher with simple controls that are quickly picked up, and thanks to the frantic nature of the battle it could make your retarded cousin look like a idiot savant on occasion. Having skill is a good thing, and the game might even support it, but its hardly a requirement to play it and have fun.

The game will do exceedingly well on par with Mario Party, because it is basically Mario Party version of a fighting game. That means it is exactly what Wii owners want for their console. I can't imagine this game selling less then three million copies in its first month of sales. Now if that were to happen it would be akin to an atom bomb going off in the developers ranks. They will assume only the most ultra casual game on the platform is a safe bet. Rather then even remotely trying to push that envelope.

 Keep this up and you will beat Rol on the sarcastic posts game.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

My opinion :

SSBB will selll , tons , no matter what ....

.... this will not prove much with all the hype around it , and because it has the worlds , probably biggest big-name character collection to date ....

..... and yes , the Wii is out from the war .... he won , but in a different way , making its own market , and not by taking away from others ....

..... many from this site will disagree with me , but most Nintendo fans from here are still the remaining hardcore gamers , and they are only a small % of the total Wii userbase ....

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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I love how they say SMG isn't selling BADLY. Well no shit buddy. How many games this generation have sold more than SMG? Plus, if anyone actually thinks that SSBB isn't going to sell well, they have some issues with themselves that need to be dealt with.

Just kiss the tip.

Bodhesatva said:

Just to point this out, this person is clearly talking exclusively about the Japanese market, and there really is some concern about hardcore games on the Wii in Japan.

Galaxy did fine, but significantly less well than in America/EU, for example.

 Then I guess I don't get his point at all.

Wii is close to being the only game in town in Japan. 360 isn't even on the map, and the only 'hardcore' titles on PS3 that have outsold RE:UC are Winning Eleven 08 (by 10%), Gundam Musou (20%), and Dynasty Warriors 6 (by 50%). All of those titles get destroyed by SMG, Super Paper Mario and Zelda:TP.

 Does he really think that SSBB is going to sell better on an install base that's less than half the size? Blue ocean strategy or no, I feel confident in saying that there are as many or more hardcore gamers in Japan who own a Wii than own a PS3.

I wish people would stop trying to pass off their own wishful thinking as analysis. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I'm fed up with seeing articles that reference 'hardcore gamers', as far as I'm concerned they are rapidly becoming the world's new nerds and trainspotters and can fuck off to their lonely bedrooms to shout at other wankers on Xbox live.

famousringo said:
Bodhesatva said:

Just to point this out, this person is clearly talking exclusively about the Japanese market, and there really is some concern about hardcore games on the Wii in Japan.

Galaxy did fine, but significantly less well than in America/EU, for example.

Then I guess I don't get his point at all.

Wii is close to being the only game in town in Japan. 360 isn't even on the map, and the only 'hardcore' titles on PS3 that have outsold RE:UC are Winning Eleven 08 (by 10%), Gundam Musou (20%), and Dynasty Warriors 6 (by 50%). All of those titles get destroyed by SMG, Super Paper Mario and Zelda:TP.

Does he really think that SSBB is going to sell better on an install base that's less than half the size? Blue ocean strategy or no, I feel confident in saying that there are as many or more hardcore gamers in Japan who own a Wii than own a PS3.

I wish people would stop trying to pass off their own wishful thinking as analysis.

I think one could make the argument that hardcore gaming in general is on the wane in Japan, and I'd also point out that the 360/PS3 don't necessarily need to be the implied alternative -- in Japan, the DS could be.

Or put more directly, if an analyst from Japan were to recommend putting "hardcore" games on the DS and "casual" fare on the DS or the Wii, I wouldn't think that was crazy.">">

RolStoppable said:
Dodece said:
yadda, yadda, yadda

Why did you have to write four paragraphs? If you really know what you want to say, you can form much simpler sentences and get your point much better across in much less words. Here's an example how you could have written your post:

"The Wii is a casual system and it's well known that hardcore, mature (or whatever you want to call them) games don't sell well on the system. SSBB is going to sell millions because it has the brandname, no competition and most important it's a casual game, which is exactly what the Wii's userbase demands."

The way you write your posts you are confusing people and they actually start to think that you make sense and have a valid opinion that isn't just based on cherrypicking numbers and fanboyism.

 That is called pedantism. It is used to make people think that you know a lot more than you actually do.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."