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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Crytek nearly launched Crysis 3 on WiiU but it had to die


hunter_alien said:

The thing is that yes, AAA can be a metroidvania style game to, and in that case 100k can actually be enough to break even, and 10k for a port is also enough.

Again, I never talked about 100K, I talked about - multiple 100K? 300K-700K is the right mark I think. And that was what I meant all the time with some 100K.

hunter_alien said:

But you have to understand that most of us in this thread, when we say AAA we mean the higher cost HD platform games: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Watchdogs, Call of Duty. We are mostly reffering to AAA in budget and not neceserally in quality. Games in wich huge ammounts are invested, because they have the potential to become multi million sellers.

To put it in a simple movie analogy: we are not talking about Dr. Strangelove (Castlevania) we are talking about Avatar (CoD).

What I'm trying to say is that for a game like Crysis 3, anything under 1 million is a massive bomb.

I agree, under 1million would probably counted as a failure, but the game probably breaks even with less. But that means, under 1 million would be barely a plus, and companies want a big plus.

hunter_alien said:

They are demanding games (technically) and even ports need to potentially sell probably over 300k just to justify the process, and at this point the WiiU is not a certain enough platform (yet), for a publisher to gamble with it.

I am also certain that in time, if sales pick up, and some franchises start pulling decent numbers on the console, EA will forget all their quarrels with the big N, and all of their games will show up on the U.

Agreed, 300K might be enough to break even on Crysis, maybe it's more like 500K or so. And agreed, that the WiiU has not a install-base and a audience that brings in 300K for Crysis at the moment. But I was thinking that it counted as a port, and a port should go with around 10% of the budget. And that should work on WiiU.

Also the problem is true for all new consoles. Should 3rd-parties wait with their big guns and only bring them to last-gen-consoles?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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brendude13 said:
Why complete a game just to cancel it? Doesn't make any sense.

This is the same company that released ME3 on Wii U after ME Trilogy for the same price with no DLC support....

Mr Khan said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Cold-Flipper said:
Didn't EA not support Sega and the Dreamcast because Sega refused to give in to EA's needs? EA played a big role in the death of Sega if I remember correctly. Now EA wants to make Nintendo pay too it seems. Too bad it won't work this time...



Too bad it looks like it is

Caution is advised.

lol Im surprised you didnt just pull the trigger....seriously its only my opinion, I doubt it hurting anybody unless your vagina is sandy?

hunter_alien said:
MDMAlliance said:
hunter_alien said:
Barozi said:
hunter_alien said:
z101 said:
AgentZorn said:

Nintendo refused Origin. That's my only guess.

Yes, that is all about it.

Or maybe big games like CoD/ME/AC all bombed on the WiiU and the preorders of NFS are non existent?

I mean we can blame the lack of Origin support as much as we want, but when will we start blaming the atrocious sales of 3rd party games?

While this might be true, the game was pretty much ready to launch, so it sounds to me that the losses have already been made and even if the WiiU version sold poorly they could've reduced the losses a tiny bit.

Maybe the cost of finishing the game and publishing it would have been to high to justify the release? I mean we are looking at sales that would have probabaly been under 100k LT, and the majority would have come from bargain bin sales.

Maybe EA much rather focused that money on advertising the PC/360/PS3, and by the looks of it, the game will do decent numbers.

 "But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that"
This quote says otherwise.

That quote means nothing at all. We could speculate what exactly it means but we will probably never know for certain.

IMO what we can say for sure is that things like these never have just one side, and decisions are made by more factors: Nintendos deteriorating relationship with EA (Origin issues or not), bad financial performance of previosu WiiU titles, not enough dev/advertising muscle left for a 4th editiion etc.

People are jumping at EAs trotha for not supporting the WiiU, but it looks like Origin could have been a better idea for online integration. It is better to get ports, than no games at all.

I've used Origin and it sucks.  I'm glad that Nintendo didn't incorperate it into their online.  EA has become a "big bully" and nothing more.

Stop hating and start playing.

Nintendo can do without EA.

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Mnementh said:
BasilZero said:
Mnementh said:

Yes, sure, consumers are to blame not to buy subpar-games. How bad of Nintendo-fans. And Just Dance was really a first-party-title that Nintendo gave to Ubisoft to publish. No way that a third-party ever adapts to the needs of the customer-base of a console.

Either my sarcasm meter is broken or you dont know that Just Dance was a third party title...

LOL, your sarcasm-meter is broken.

I'm tired of people claiming the "Nintendo-dronez never buy teh third-partiez", while this claim is obviously untrue. The 3rd-parties only need to adapt to the audience.

funny thing is thats exactly what third parties did for the Wii but people complained that they were not get "any" third party support. ANd people did buy those 3rd party games it just wasnt the games some wanted.

Mnementh said:

NFS probably will be a great game, that's why I plan to buy it. Same with batman, I own it. I don't care for AC though. I was probably a bit harsh here. Point is, many 3rd-party games are really subpar, they often think they come away with horrible bad games. but even for the good ones: nobody forces a Nintendo-fan to buy the games, if he hasn't an interest in them. and for all three games is one thing true: they were all out for PS3 and X360 earlier than for WiiU. That also influences sales naturally. Do we have at this point even one multiplat that was released the same time on WiiU as on other consoles and was not gimped? I can't come up with a name.

To the cost-factor: porting mostly involves programming and (to a bigger degree) testing for specific bugs. The models, the textures, music, leveldesign, overall game direction, general game testing and so on is already done. And that by far exceeds the manpower of programming the game in the first place. Porting involves even less programming, especially if some toolkit/engine is used, as it is standard these days. Early WiiU-games might possibly need more tweaking on the engine, that is true - but that is also a work that can be reused for later releases.

And looking at general gaming-sales: Every budget that needs more than 1 million units to break even is stupid and the risk of losses is extremely high. Most AAA-games should break even on some 100K units. Porting-costs are usually much more smaller (i pointed out the reasons in the previous paragraph). Some 10K sounds reasonable for a port of a AAA-game with some effort put into making it a good port.

I agree about how easy a port can be since Wii U is being described as a dev-friendly platform and the extra power makes everything easier when porting from the HD twins. But 100k doesn't looks enough to break even. 100k X US$ 60 is US$ 6 millions and that can't pay a reasonable amount of the bigger games. Despite that, Crysis is probably more focused in being a tech demo to sell Cryengine licenses than necessarily break even, so a Wii U version would show another platform running their engine. It would be nice if someone had some data about porting costs to allow a better analysis on how much it would need to sell.

Crytek should just die.


radiantshadow92 said:
Roma said:
yup EA butt hurt!

neither of them are butt hurt, the only people that suffer from this are wii U owners

Id argue that I the only people who are butthure are Wii U ONLy owners...that actually care about this game.

oniyide said:
Mnementh said:
BasilZero said:
Mnementh said:

Yes, sure, consumers are to blame not to buy subpar-games. How bad of Nintendo-fans. And Just Dance was really a first-party-title that Nintendo gave to Ubisoft to publish. No way that a third-party ever adapts to the needs of the customer-base of a console.

Either my sarcasm meter is broken or you dont know that Just Dance was a third party title...

LOL, your sarcasm-meter is broken.

I'm tired of people claiming the "Nintendo-dronez never buy teh third-partiez", while this claim is obviously untrue. The 3rd-parties only need to adapt to the audience.

funny thing is thats exactly what third parties did for the Wii but people complained that they were not get "any" third party support. ANd people did buy those 3rd party games it just wasnt the games some wanted.

Yes, agreed. My example of Just Dance is exactly that: a game that catered to the audience. But it is not common, as you look at the software-charts you see, that Nintendo far more often gets the audience on their platform than 3rd-parties. So many companies could have made much more money, as Ubisoft did.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

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