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hunter_alien said:

The thing is that yes, AAA can be a metroidvania style game to, and in that case 100k can actually be enough to break even, and 10k for a port is also enough.

Again, I never talked about 100K, I talked about - multiple 100K? 300K-700K is the right mark I think. And that was what I meant all the time with some 100K.

hunter_alien said:

But you have to understand that most of us in this thread, when we say AAA we mean the higher cost HD platform games: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Watchdogs, Call of Duty. We are mostly reffering to AAA in budget and not neceserally in quality. Games in wich huge ammounts are invested, because they have the potential to become multi million sellers.

To put it in a simple movie analogy: we are not talking about Dr. Strangelove (Castlevania) we are talking about Avatar (CoD).

What I'm trying to say is that for a game like Crysis 3, anything under 1 million is a massive bomb.

I agree, under 1million would probably counted as a failure, but the game probably breaks even with less. But that means, under 1 million would be barely a plus, and companies want a big plus.

hunter_alien said:

They are demanding games (technically) and even ports need to potentially sell probably over 300k just to justify the process, and at this point the WiiU is not a certain enough platform (yet), for a publisher to gamble with it.

I am also certain that in time, if sales pick up, and some franchises start pulling decent numbers on the console, EA will forget all their quarrels with the big N, and all of their games will show up on the U.

Agreed, 300K might be enough to break even on Crysis, maybe it's more like 500K or so. And agreed, that the WiiU has not a install-base and a audience that brings in 300K for Crysis at the moment. But I was thinking that it counted as a port, and a port should go with around 10% of the budget. And that should work on WiiU.

Also the problem is true for all new consoles. Should 3rd-parties wait with their big guns and only bring them to last-gen-consoles?

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