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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U Only 5 Percent Of Developers Making Games For Nintendo

It doesn't mean much when you look at the other numbers.

13% for 360/PS3

58% for Smartphones and Tablets


Tells you super small no name developers take up most of the Smartphones and Tablets.

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wvelting said:
The the 5% that are working on the Wii U are among the very best.

Let's all keep telling ourselves that.

That is unfortunate to hear. I'm sure Nintendo will pick up after it's first year I'm not worried about them yet.

Cobretti2 said:
Well Wii U figure not surprising, I was more surprised that only 13% working on 360/PS3.

The biggest shock is this one:
,58 percent of GDC-attending developers are working toward releasing their games on tablets and smartphones.

That's not too surprising: the big publishers aren't going to send too many of their employees to these things, plus there's a mobile gold rush at the moment.

Yeah that's actually really bad for nintendo. This is why you could have predicted wiiu's demise before it even launched. Had you known how poor the situation was, you would never have gotten your hopes up for a nintendo success this gen.

Nintendo is really living in the past at this point, pretending like smartphones and tablets don't exist. I remember it was just a few years ago that Metal Gear Solid launched on iphone and Sony actually congratulated Apple on the accomplishment. Fastforward to now and Apple has turned into the promise land for developers.

Times have changed, and nintendo is the first company being left out in the cold.

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That's not bad this always happens to Nintendo, the Gamecube and Wii suffered the same and i enjoyed them both!

That's acually pretty good! Since less than 5 % of gamers own a Wii U, 5 % of the developers should be more than enough!

On a more serious note, whoever was happy with the line up of the Wii should also get enough to play on the Wii U. It will get all that Nintendo Goodness as well as some third party titles here and there. But just like last generation and the generation before and the generation before, for full blown third party support Nintendo just isn't an option. But you know, you could have a Wii U AND another console. It's possible!

tl;dr(must be a real short attention span): As a gamer, I'm not worried at all.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Several unanswered questions.

Are we talking teams or individuals? If individuals then the presence of the GTA V staff alone at the conference could bias the numbers against Nintendo :p

Is the 11% for PS4/Xbox combined or each?

Anyway it amounts to just less half the development resources of the current-gen consoles but I'm more concerned with the quality of developers rather than absolute numbers. i.e. i wouldn't be concerned if their 5% is the best 5%, but it's horrible if it's only the worst 5%.

I would imagine this survey is going to include 1st party developers too which is going to bias things in favour of MS (and Sony?) due to their North American base and large number of North American developers. Nintendo to my knowledge only has a couple of studios in North American.

hsrob said:
Several unanswered questions.

Are we talking teams or individuals? If individuals then the presence of the GTA V staff alone at the conference could bias the numbers against Nintendo :p

Is the 11% for PS4/Xbox combined or each?

Anyway it amounts to just less half the development resources of the current-gen consoles but I'm more concerned with the quality of developers rather than absolute numbers. i.e. i wouldn't be concerned if their 5% is the best 5%, but it's horrible if it's only the worst 5%.

I would imagine this survey is going to include 1st party developers too which is going to bias things in favour of MS (and Sony?) due to their North American base and large number of North American developers. Nintendo to my knowledge only has a couple of studios in North American.

Spose I should put source, but I included everything from the post so im unsure on your questions.

"GDC tends to skew toward smaller developers"

Yeah, this doesn't mean a lot.

And no mention of the PC?