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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EA continues to defecate on Nintendo

megaman79 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
KeptoKnight said:

I want Mass Effect 4 on Wii-U to use with gamepad =(

There is no way Mass Effect would ever exist on the Wii U without severe dumbing down after the new consoles launch. The Wii U wouldnt be able to handle the scale that is expected from the new consoles.

Key word highlighted

Its looking like the PS4 and 720 will meet those standards. 8GB of ram seems like its going to be in the next consoles.

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maverick40 said:
Own another console if you want 3rd party support. You should know this by now.

Its been almost twenty years. Nintendo refuses to at least meet third party half way. Third party have to follow Nintendo and thats why they always get neglected on major big budget games. They just wont play ball.

megaman79 said:
maverick40 said:
Own another console if you want 3rd party support. You should know this by now.

Yes, well im sure that theory worked out smashingly for all those Vita owners.

The Vita has the third party titles, its just that the cost might be a bit much without a killer app. Third party devs support Nintendo because they have the stable handheld market. When the price drops the sales will rise. It seems to always work out that way for Sony. They will get titles slower than normal because of their installed base though.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
KeptoKnight said:

I want Mass Effect 4 on Wii-U to use with gamepad =(

There is no way Mass Effect would ever exist on the Wii U without severe dumbing down after the new consoles launch. The Wii U wouldnt be able to handle the scale that is expected from the new consoles.

I already have a beast of PC machine....i still wouldnt mind a dumb down version of it for Wii-U.......


**next time watch out for your bold statements again as if the consoles already been released and know what will happen.

Scisca said:
Yeah, well, I really like the games EA makes. Dead Space, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Crysis, Battlefield, FIFA, Need For Speed are all franchises I'm interested in, so I guess I won't join your notion of boycotting them. All I want from them is to finally release proper trilogy packages for these series that would contain all games and DLCs. Just to give us a full package for the end of the generation.

Dead Space: turned into COD, Resident evil now : /

Mass Effect: TBD MAYBE a flop since......"petitions led to company founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka leaving both Bioware and the games industry 2012."

Crysis: TBD.....its a 5 hour game from last article that was released.....

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RolStoppable said:
bananaking21 said:

fuck wrong link, let me get you the on

"you'll most likely not be able to play with someone on a different generation. And so if you're a FIFA player and, and the soccer season's starting in August, and all your friends are playing FIFA, you're going to want to be on the same box that they're on. So if they all go out and buy a gen-four box if it comes out at Christmas, then you'll most likely do it. If they all hold on and continue to play on third-generation, you'll probably not see that box purchase until after the soccer season's over."

he is talking about next-gen consoles but his point of view also applies to the WiiU. you wont buy it on the WiiU because your friends will buy it on their current gen system

The Wii U is already out, so by EA's logic it would make sense to make a serious effort with sports games on the system come August. EA's logic also means that last year's Wii U versions could never be expected to sell well, because the Wii U launched too late. Therefore, it's outright wrong to determine future support based on the sales of Wii U's initial FIFA and Madden sales.

You basically just delivered the reason why there's no excuse for EA to not make their sports games for the Wii U.

the transition of users to the WiiU is still happening lets not forget that, and he gives 2 points, one about the release of the console and second the the effect a consumers friends will have an the consumers choice whether to buy it on the WiiU or his current system. as you pointed out that the first problem is now gone, and i do agree with you determining future support now for the WiiU based on previous sport entries on the console is outright stupid. but the second point is still there(buying the game on the same console as the comsumers friends buy it on), and its a main point in which the consumer will dertmine on which console he will buy fifa/madden, they just dont see a return in the WiiU at the moment and therfore not releasing a port. i would like to say that i think that this might be the right choice for the short term, but not a good one for the long term as they are not building a userbase of sport fans on the console for the future, its a bussines discsion that they most certainly studied and opted to go with not releasing madden now on the wiiU. 

ofcourse its debatable whether this is a good choice or not, but its the logical reason why the madden isnt coming on the WiiU, not that "ea hates nintendo" or "its a conspiracy" and all that nonsense. personally i do think its wrong not releasing it on the WiiU. but i do see why they wont release it, i dont agree with it but there is a logical reason, and thats what im trying to say

bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!


KungKras said:
bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!

EA sports games are not coming to the Wii U because the market for their games is not viable on that particular system, its the same reason why Take Two is not bothering with MLB2K13 for the Wii U (maybe I should create a thread about that)

Train wreck said:
KungKras said:
bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!

EA sports games are not coming to the Wii U because the market for their games is not viable on that particular system, its the same reason why Take Two is not bothering with MLB2K13 for the Wii U (maybe I should create a thread about that)

Wii U is a sucessor to a system where their games were viable.If that's the reason, they are horribly stupid.

Another question, why not 3DS, which is the only viable handheld atm? I'm sure noone out of those 22 million likes sports games.....


KungKras said:
Train wreck said:
KungKras said:
bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!

EA sports games are not coming to the Wii U because the market for their games is not viable on that particular system, its the same reason why Take Two is not bothering with MLB2K13 for the Wii U (maybe I should create a thread about that)

Wii U is a sucessor to a system where their games were viable.If that's the reason, they are horribly stupid.

Another question, why not 3DS, which is the only viable handheld atm? I'm sure noone out of those 22 million likes sports games.....

Because there are hundres of millions of cellphones they can make sports games for (and they do).  Stop limiting yourself, 3rd parties dont.