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KungKras said:
Train wreck said:
KungKras said:
bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!

EA sports games are not coming to the Wii U because the market for their games is not viable on that particular system, its the same reason why Take Two is not bothering with MLB2K13 for the Wii U (maybe I should create a thread about that)

Wii U is a sucessor to a system where their games were viable.If that's the reason, they are horribly stupid.

Another question, why not 3DS, which is the only viable handheld atm? I'm sure noone out of those 22 million likes sports games.....

Because there are hundres of millions of cellphones they can make sports games for (and they do).  Stop limiting yourself, 3rd parties dont.