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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dev says companies talked about canned Wii U games rather than new ones at DICE, more

More doom threads, I just pray when the ps4 launches it doesn't do as bad otherwise the Nintendo fans will hold nothing back!

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think-man said:
More doom threads, I just pray when the ps4 launches it doesn't do as bad otherwise the Nintendo fans will hold nothing back!

Well said. I'm actually dreading the launch of PS4 and Xbox 720 for just that reason. It's a vicious cycle: people who hate one company or platform dump all over it, and then the fans of that dumped-upon company retaliate, which aggravates the original fans, who redouble their efforts and attack anew...

Meanwhile, 99% of the gaming world is having fun playing video games.

Nintendo is never, ever going to get third party support no matter what they do. Look at the Wii, the console was a sales phenomenon and STILL couldn't get third parties. So they might as well forget about third parties supporting a floundering consoles like the Wii U.

Their only hope is to go the second party route (think Geist, Xenoblade, Last Story, Bayonetta 2, Retro games, etc). That's the route I think Nintendo needs in order to be successful and keep a steady stream of games for Wii U. It may cost them a little extra, but the investment I believe will be worth it in the long run. Money talks and bullshit walks.

Thrid parties are not to be trusted anymore, especially after the Ubisoft fiasco, and these guys were supposed to be the biggest supporter of Nintendo, and they turned their back. Nintendo needs to consider collaborating with second parties, or even buying out more companies outright.

Barozi said:
zumnupy10 said:
Barozi said:
Black Ops 2 most likely or perhaps Assassins Creed 3 ?

What else is a big budget game that could sell millions ? Certainly not Just Dance 4, ZombiU or any other late (more than 6 months) port.

AC3 is my bet.   

Other candidates are Batman: Armored edition and Skylanders.

Thing is neither of them look like they would need a big budget on WiiU. Ubisoft said that late ports only cost $1m to make, so it can't be Batman (though they changed the game a bit. Shouldn't be more than $2m however. Also I know that Ubisoft isn't the publisher of Batman ). Skylanders Giants should've been more expensive to make, since it was developed simultaneously but Skylanders isn't an expensive game to begin with.

It is confirmed that this "High Bugdet" game is from Ubisoft ?      


Added Wii U Top 10 launch games:

Could be anything from nº3 to nº10.   My bet is still in AC3.

twilight_link said:
Kresnik said:
Somini said:




Sony audience is far more receptive to 3rd party games than their own 1st party games largely because Sony platform adopters are interested in cool factor, they buy whatever is cool, even complete shit like CoD for Vita or bad ports like Skyrim for PS3,


it's is similar to Sega fanbase Dreamcast was console of dreams, it was however not cool enough, Vita is great handheld it's however not cool enough. So nobody care and those who care (Sony core adopters) are far more interested in 3rd party games with cool factor.

This is not true.   UC3 and Skyrim were released in the same month, 15 months later UC3 has more than double of Skyrim sales on PS3.

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It's not just the Wii U. Western developers don't want to support the Vita, the Wii U or the 3DS... The real story going on here is that western devs are focusing their efforts on the PS4+720+PC combo. PS4 and 720 won't overshoot the market *that* much this time and budgets won't increase as dramatically as from 6th to 7th gen. Developers and publishers will completely focus on these three machines I guess. Some probably had Wii U games in development "just in case" (ports mostly, I guess) but now there's an excuse to cancel these projects they'll focus all their resources on the other home machines.

RazorDragon said:
Somini said:
RazorDragon said:
This makes absolutely no sense. Vita situation is way, way worse, and devs are still releasing and announcing new and exclusive games for it. Where's logic?

The Vita situation is not worse at all. Ubisoft just recently announced that assasins creed had sold 600k on the Vita and that they were quite happy with those numbers.

And that's exactly why it doesn't make any sense.

Yes it does. AC3 on the WiiU was a massive bomb. ZombiU will only brake the million if its heavily bundled. Like it or not, at the moment the WiiU is in the same boat as the Vita 3rd party wise, hell even worse, considering that its the successor of the Wii... Nintendo rushed to the market, and IMO it was a bad business strategy,

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I can't wait till ps4 and 720 come out, so we don't hear about this bad economy talk anymore, i just hope they have enough supplied cause there gonna sell out every single unit. the wii is no different then a under powered N64 or gamecube, yet managed out sell them by 5x life time sales, and the reason was the ground breaking motion controls, now the novelty is gone, what did you guys expects.

Metallicube said:

Nintendo is never, ever going to get third party support no matter what they do. Look at the Wii, the console was a sales phenomenon and STILL couldn't get third parties. So they might as well forget about third parties supporting a floundering consoles like the Wii U.

Their only hope is to go the second party route (think Geist, Xenoblade, Last Story, Bayonetta 2, Retro games, etc). That's the route I think Nintendo needs in order to be successful and keep a steady stream of games for Wii U. It may cost them a little extra, but the investment I believe will be worth it in the long run. Money talks and bullshit walks.

Thrid parties are not to be trusted anymore, especially after the Ubisoft fiasco, and these guys were supposed to be the biggest supporter of Nintendo, and they turned their back. Nintendo needs to consider collaborating with second parties, or even buying out more companies outright.

The Wii might have been a sales phenomenon, but it was mostly Nintendo that was selling software. Most third party games, and especially the multi-platform games simply didn't sell so well on the Wii. But this has been a problem for a long time now, dating back to the Gamecube and maybe even the N64. And that's where you're absolutely right in saying Nintendo needs second party developers, and if possible they need one like Rage was in the N64 days. It's the only way to keep Nintendo from falling back to where it was with the Gamecube.

RolStoppable said:
In order to cancel games, they need to exist in the first place. What we've seen between E3 2012 and the Wii U's launch was a clear statement from every important publisher that they won't commit to the platform. There was a list of 2013's multiplatform games floating around, showing that around 75 % of those games would skip the Wii U. The Wii U's fate was decided upon before the system launched, therefore it's hard to believe in any of the hearsay from the article in the original post.

Also, the big budget third party game that was expected to sell millions and has only sold tens of thousands so far is an unrealistic claim for anyone who uses common sense. No game in the Wii U's library fits this description.

People who think that Japanese third parties will give the Wii U better support than Western third parties are delusional. If anything, you should expect even less from Japan. Remember that the Wii held a market share of over 66 % among seventh generation home consoles at the end of 2007. That is dominance, but it didn't lead to any worthwile support. Neither from the big publishers who sell worldwide nor the small ones who are strongly focused on the Japanese market.

Sales don't matter. Since the Wii U started badly, everyone who had hopes for good third party support can bury them. Just know that the situation wouldn't be any different, if the Wii U had sold above 4m units by now. Good third party support was never going to materialize and everyone who remembers the whole test game strategy on the Wii knew that.

Waiting for japanese third part support will be a suicide. But collaborating or promising a western launch with better marketing could push some of them to develop for Wii U. With that I mean devs like Atlus, Namco Bandai or Level 5, or games from established franchises like DQ or MH and try to increase th appeal to the west.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

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DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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