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Metallicube said:

Nintendo is never, ever going to get third party support no matter what they do. Look at the Wii, the console was a sales phenomenon and STILL couldn't get third parties. So they might as well forget about third parties supporting a floundering consoles like the Wii U.

Their only hope is to go the second party route (think Geist, Xenoblade, Last Story, Bayonetta 2, Retro games, etc). That's the route I think Nintendo needs in order to be successful and keep a steady stream of games for Wii U. It may cost them a little extra, but the investment I believe will be worth it in the long run. Money talks and bullshit walks.

Thrid parties are not to be trusted anymore, especially after the Ubisoft fiasco, and these guys were supposed to be the biggest supporter of Nintendo, and they turned their back. Nintendo needs to consider collaborating with second parties, or even buying out more companies outright.

The Wii might have been a sales phenomenon, but it was mostly Nintendo that was selling software. Most third party games, and especially the multi-platform games simply didn't sell so well on the Wii. But this has been a problem for a long time now, dating back to the Gamecube and maybe even the N64. And that's where you're absolutely right in saying Nintendo needs second party developers, and if possible they need one like Rage was in the N64 days. It's the only way to keep Nintendo from falling back to where it was with the Gamecube.