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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dev says companies talked about canned Wii U games rather than new ones at DICE, more

Hey! You're not Turkish!

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Just saw this on GAF myself.

Nintendo is going to have to prove the system is worth the investment with their own offerings. That's the only thing that will change their minds at this point.

Beyond that, I can't think of any third party game on the Wii U that released this early that could've sold millions just 3 months in. Even if the system had met it's shipment targets.

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


Didn't the same thing happened with the PS3, 3DS and Vita? Devs and publishers will unfortunately wait until the system sells some decent numbers, this is where Nintendo games come in. This is the natural course of new consoles, if this continues by next year then it will be time to panic, but for now this is relatively normal.

Nintendo and PC gamer

kind of reminds me of the 3DS, vis-a-vis western devs.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

This is so reminiscent of the Vita launch window.

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Usually, the people who talk the most about their company's strategy at these conferences are the least likely to know or be involved in their company's strategy ...

It is highly unlikely that any games have been legitimately cancelled for the Wii U being that it has only been out for a couple of months, although it is likely that companies may be pressuring Nintendo to "do something" to improve sales. Ultimately, I think Nintendo will (probably) respond by cutting the price, pushing out more games, and money-hatting some developers to improve sales.

Reminds me of the 3DS. Nothing new, but it is still concerning.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

The only thing I want to know is which high profile game was expected to sell millions already haha.



Cobretti2 said:
The only thing I want to know is which high profile game was expected to sell millions already haha.

I was wondering the same thing best guess is CoD.

Nintendo and PC gamer

badgenome said:
Hey! You're not Turkish!

Silly nome! Turkish only trolls Microsoft! lol