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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dev says companies talked about canned Wii U games rather than new ones at DICE, more

JGarret said:
Cobretti2 said:
Roma said:
when Nintendo proves the system can sell with their IPs devs say they can't sell games because of Nintendo IPs and when Nintendo gives them room and not release their IPs, 3rd parties don't sell because the system did not have many Nintendo games to sell it. now Nintendo has to sell the system with their IPs so 3rd parties can sell their games -_-

this is fucked up!

You know very well that this is considered a conspiracy theory by people who don't own Nintendo consoles.

I´ve believed those 'theories' for a long time, though I can´t blame people for not believing, as some of them are indeed absurd (such as EA sabotaging their own games in order to justify to investors why it´s not worth it to develop for Nintendo systems).

Well they did get butt hurt about the whole Origin thing.

However I don't think they sabotaged MS3 but rather made a shit business decision in releasing it. The reason being that the other consoles got the trilogy pack released about the same time and at the same price as the one game that was 3rd in the series, which made it kind of pointless to own on Wii U.



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RazorDragon said:
This makes absolutely no sense. Vita situation is way, way worse, and devs are still releasing and announcing new and exclusive games for it. Where's logic?

The Vita situation is not worse at all. Ubisoft just recently announced that assasins creed had sold 600k on the Vita and that they were quite happy with those numbers.

Roma said:
when Nintendo proves the system can sell with their IPs devs say they can't sell games because of Nintendo IPs and when Nintendo gives them room and not release their IPs, 3rd parties don't sell because the system did not have many Nintendo games to sell it. now Nintendo has to sell the system with their IPs so 3rd parties can sell their games -_-

this is fucked up!

Is there a possibility that the typical Nintendo console owner just isn't interested in third-party games?  Have those people already left for other, mulit-platform-laden pastures?  Ultimately, despite the hopes of a few, could the reality simply be that third-party publishers are right, and that it just isn't worth the resources to develop for a Nintendo console?

I don't know.  I mean, we're talking about smart people that want to make money.  When they try and fail, there is always an excuse from the faithful.  The game wasn't good enough, it was a port, it was over-shadowed by a Nintendo published game.  Maybe there are no excuses and Nintendo fans, for the most part, just want their Mario games or casual titles.

I don't know, I'm not saying I believe that, but it does need to be considered.

Mr Khan said:
kind of reminds me of the 3DS, vis-a-vis western devs.

Could you please stop comparing the Wii-U with the 3DS, it's not the same. The 3DS is a handheld, and you can't compare those sales with those of home systems. Take the gameboy advance and gamecube for example. The gameboy advance sold 80 million in the end and that's with the DS releasing just over three years later, the gamecube sold just over 20 million.

Let's be realistic here, the Wii sold as good as it did because it appealed to a new audience, and it did that with the inclusion of motion controls. Now with the Wii-U, it just doesn't have that appeal as much. Also the Wii wasn't that interesting for most 3rth party developers, why would they support the Wii-U if expectations are even lower.

They could always give it at least one chance? Vita's situation is just as bad yet AC:L and Declassified managed to sell very well.

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Was somebody expecting ZombiU to already sell millions? Cause other than that, I'm not thinking of any big Wii U games from 3rd parties so far.

Love and tolerate.

Barozi said:
Black Ops 2 most likely or perhaps Assassins Creed 3 ?

What else is a big budget game that could sell millions ? Certainly not Just Dance 4, ZombiU or any other late (more than 6 months) port.

AC3 is my bet.   

Other candidates are Batman: Armored edition and Skylanders.

crissindahouse said:
HappySqurriel said:
twilight_link said:
bestselling games on Nintendo platforms are mostly from Nintendo, games from WiiU launch are either horrible ports (Batman, ME3), outside of Nintendo demographics (CoD) or mediocre efforts (ZombiU)

for me Lego is first true test of new Nintendo platform, if this game will have great score but fails on retail, then Nintendo has big problem, until this we deal with very well known lies and excuses.

Don't forget over-priced ...

Had games like Batman or Mass Effect been a collection of all games released in the last generation, selling them for $60 would seem reasonable to most people; but "old" ports of games should not be sold for full price even if they're on a new platform.

i wonder why some nintendo fans don't understand that when it comes to rayman. it's exactly the same, 360 and ps3 onwers wouldn't buy it because it would be a port of an "old" game exactly like mass effect for wii u. but if ubisoft releases it at the same time on all platforms full price is fair for them then.

neither XBOX360 nor PS3 supoport from Ubisoft depend on sales performance of Rayman, in case of WiiU it was promised as exclusive, they failed to stand by their promise, i personally, don't care about Rayman or Ubisoft support, the situation in ME3 case was hardly comparable 

Cobretti2 said:
JGarret said:
Cobretti2 said:
Roma said:
when Nintendo proves the system can sell with their IPs devs say they can't sell games because of Nintendo IPs and when Nintendo gives them room and not release their IPs, 3rd parties don't sell because the system did not have many Nintendo games to sell it. now Nintendo has to sell the system with their IPs so 3rd parties can sell their games -_-

this is fucked up!

You know very well that this is considered a conspiracy theory by people who don't own Nintendo consoles.

I´ve believed those 'theories' for a long time, though I can´t blame people for not believing, as some of them are indeed absurd (such as EA sabotaging their own games in order to justify to investors why it´s not worth it to develop for Nintendo systems).

Well they did get butt hurt about the whole Origin thing.

However I don't think they sabotaged MS3 but rather made a shit business decision in releasing it. The reason being that the other consoles got the trilogy pack released about the same time and at the same price as the one game that was 3rd in the series, which made it kind of pointless to own on Wii U.

Cobretti, off topic here, but I was checking this thread on gaf

And it seems there´s an insider who posts there and people really trust him with info..apparently, that rumor about no used games for the next Xbox just might indeed be true, check it out if you´ve got the time.

Rol was right. Nintendo should focus on creating games for their system, and not 3rd party.