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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dev says companies talked about canned Wii U games rather than new ones at DICE, more

zumnupy10 said:
twilight_link said:
Kresnik said:
Somini said:




Sony audience is far more receptive to 3rd party games than their own 1st party games largely because Sony platform adopters are interested in cool factor, they buy whatever is cool, even complete shit like CoD for Vita or bad ports like Skyrim for PS3,


it's is similar to Sega fanbase Dreamcast was console of dreams, it was however not cool enough, Vita is great handheld it's however not cool enough. So nobody care and those who care (Sony core adopters) are far more interested in 3rd party games with cool factor.

This is not true.   UC3 and Skyrim were released in the same month, 15 months later UC3 has more than double of Skyrim sales on PS3.

not true, the sales are comparable in no way double the amount, but this is not the point, the point is even bad 3rd party port sells better than most 1st games, Uncharted is not the only 1st party game on PS3, only four 1st party IP's sells better than Skyrim, GoW, Uncharted, GT and LBP (and this franchise is no longer relevant anymore)

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Barozi said:
Black Ops 2 most likely or perhaps Assassins Creed 3 ?

What else is a big budget game that could sell millions ? Certainly not Just Dance 4, ZombiU or any other late (more than 6 months) port.

BLOPS 2 was my guess.

black ops
epic micky 2

take your pick, all of them bombed, people will say well there on the othere systems, will thats how third parties work these days there no exclusives.

I think Nintendo needs to focus on growing as a first party and heavily increase the number of second parties, and instead of trying to cater to third parties, they should be focusing on increasing the number of second parties they have - and build them up to be superior to the third parties.

Getting companies like Monolithsoft is a great way to expand and diversify. They should also start trying to clinch markets: they should try to gain Level 5, NIS, and Marvelous as a second party and clinch the RPG market. Square/Enix would be a good but unrealistic acquisition as well - but Nintendo should either get them as a second party or pump up Monolithsoft to out-compete Square-Enix. Although, personally, I think getting Square Enix as an exclusive developer would be the clinch they need to secure the RPG crowd since then pretty much all of the best RPGs will be on Nintendo systems exclusively.

They also need to start invading American territories and start picking up strength among the lower brow gamers who play Sports, racing simulators, and First Person Shooting titles. The key to this market is generally licenses, so Nintendo will have to get some good licensing for these types of games.

At the same time, Nintendo needs to start blowing up on the marketing front by using the Miiverse, if this was as visible as Twitter or Facebook, they would get much more exposure. Nintendo also needs to actually start showing people games that are in development, rather than being so secretive. Secrecy doesn't entice people unless you have an established clinch on the market.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

RolStoppable said:
Pavolink said:

Waiting for japanese third part support will be a suicide. But collaborating or promising a western launch with better marketing could push some of them to develop for Wii U. With that I mean devs like Atlus, Namco Bandai or Level 5, or games from established franchises like DQ or MH and try to increase th appeal to the west.

This pretty much sums up in how bad of a situation Nintendo is. The only way for them to get good third party games is to pay for them in one form or another.

I know I'm crazy, but eShop has a lot of potential for future succes to Nintendo. Instead to develop games for iOS/Android, make from the eShop another digital platform with enough incentives to put some of those games or help some of those devs to put better quality content.

Nintendo will never get third party support, then create new third parties from indie/minor/mobile devs before the bubble burst. Maybe with the first party, collaborations with japanese third parties and a stronger eShop with more content Nintendo can be in a little better position than now.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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RazorDragon said:
This makes absolutely no sense. Vita situation is way, way worse, and devs are still releasing and announcing new and exclusive games for it. Where's logic?

Sony moneyhats? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

the entire 3rd party support debacle create only bad image for Nintendo, better to cut off any relationship early and invest money and effort to 1st party and 2nd party games.

I dont mind. Why? This just shows how dumb third parties are. I dont need games made by dumb people because I dont want dumb people to have my money.

Seriously there is a new system coming they whine that nintendo makes games so good they cant compete.

Nintendo listens makes a 3DS and lets the third party handle the launch.. The third party only releases shitty games and the 3ds doesnt sell well.

Now Nintendo makes something different. They make a WiiU and release their "smaller" titles. Smaller in terms of size/effort/WOW factor etc.. And Nintendo waits for the blockbusters to come later.
Now the third party has a better chance than VS a console full of 3D Mario and 3D Zelda etc. But they work half heartedly and for example bring out gimped versions/versions with frame rate issues/single entries while a trilogy is announced for other platforms etc etc.

People see "okay shit versions no thanks" and also see "mediocre/casual Nintendo titles hmmmmm". The WiiU doesnt sell bad but it doesnt sell great too.

Now after around 2 months the third party whines again because their shitty games didnt sell well they do what they always do. And they also forget that the WiiU has a super small userbase!

They start to abandon the system. Hmm guess what abandoning the system is what started your Nintendo problem you retards. The longer you deny continuous support the more you have to WORK to reach the abandoned fanbase.

It does not work like this:
Try half hearedtly -> see bad result -> abandon -> ???? -> PROFIT!

It works like this:
Try with alot of effort! -> see meh results -> keep supporting -> see mediocre results -> keep supporting -> PROFIT!!!

You have to CONVINCE people that your games are worth it. NOT the consumers have to convice you that they are worth your games! The longer this stupid behavior keeps going on the more the third party gets irrelevant. I mean I dont even care about them lol.

I mean I only had Nintendo systems in the past in the N64 era I learned that you cant count on third party that shaped me and even tho I had a PS2 now a PS3 PSP Vita and 360 I have like 3 games in TOTAL that are published by Ubisoft EA or Activision the games I own are first and second party games only. Third party games dissappointed me in the past or were totally absent thats why I avoid them.

I love how third party doesnt get that they have to accept short term loss   to get long term profit!   This is how business works !!!!

AnthonyW86 said:
Metallicube said:

Nintendo is never, ever going to get third party support no matter what they do. Look at the Wii, the console was a sales phenomenon and STILL couldn't get third parties. So they might as well forget about third parties supporting a floundering consoles like the Wii U.

Their only hope is to go the second party route (think Geist, Xenoblade, Last Story, Bayonetta 2, Retro games, etc). That's the route I think Nintendo needs in order to be successful and keep a steady stream of games for Wii U. It may cost them a little extra, but the investment I believe will be worth it in the long run. Money talks and bullshit walks.

Thrid parties are not to be trusted anymore, especially after the Ubisoft fiasco, and these guys were supposed to be the biggest supporter of Nintendo, and they turned their back. Nintendo needs to consider collaborating with second parties, or even buying out more companies outright.

The Wii might have been a sales phenomenon, but it was mostly Nintendo that was selling software. Most third party games, and especially the multi-platform games simply didn't sell so well on the Wii. But this has been a problem for a long time now, dating back to the Gamecube and maybe even the N64. And that's where you're absolutely right in saying Nintendo needs second party developers, and if possible they need one like Rage was in the N64 days. It's the only way to keep Nintendo from falling back to where it was with the Gamecube.

truth is the wii was perfect platform to build audience, there was no reason why not support this platform with enhance remakes or ports of AAA games from previous generation, they failed even in this. although some sells in decent quantities RE4 Wii Edition

"It's not Ubisoft's job to sell Nintendo consoles" is the statement that has been heard a lot these last couple of days.

If that's true then it's equally true that it's not Nintendo's job to sell third party games.
