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I dont mind. Why? This just shows how dumb third parties are. I dont need games made by dumb people because I dont want dumb people to have my money.

Seriously there is a new system coming they whine that nintendo makes games so good they cant compete.

Nintendo listens makes a 3DS and lets the third party handle the launch.. The third party only releases shitty games and the 3ds doesnt sell well.

Now Nintendo makes something different. They make a WiiU and release their "smaller" titles. Smaller in terms of size/effort/WOW factor etc.. And Nintendo waits for the blockbusters to come later.
Now the third party has a better chance than VS a console full of 3D Mario and 3D Zelda etc. But they work half heartedly and for example bring out gimped versions/versions with frame rate issues/single entries while a trilogy is announced for other platforms etc etc.

People see "okay shit versions no thanks" and also see "mediocre/casual Nintendo titles hmmmmm". The WiiU doesnt sell bad but it doesnt sell great too.

Now after around 2 months the third party whines again because their shitty games didnt sell well they do what they always do. And they also forget that the WiiU has a super small userbase!

They start to abandon the system. Hmm guess what abandoning the system is what started your Nintendo problem you retards. The longer you deny continuous support the more you have to WORK to reach the abandoned fanbase.

It does not work like this:
Try half hearedtly -> see bad result -> abandon -> ???? -> PROFIT!

It works like this:
Try with alot of effort! -> see meh results -> keep supporting -> see mediocre results -> keep supporting -> PROFIT!!!

You have to CONVINCE people that your games are worth it. NOT the consumers have to convice you that they are worth your games! The longer this stupid behavior keeps going on the more the third party gets irrelevant. I mean I dont even care about them lol.

I mean I only had Nintendo systems in the past in the N64 era I learned that you cant count on third party that shaped me and even tho I had a PS2 now a PS3 PSP Vita and 360 I have like 3 games in TOTAL that are published by Ubisoft EA or Activision the games I own are first and second party games only. Third party games dissappointed me in the past or were totally absent thats why I avoid them.

I love how third party doesnt get that they have to accept short term loss   to get long term profit!   This is how business works !!!!