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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dev says companies talked about canned Wii U games rather than new ones at DICE, more

zumnupy10 said:
Barozi said:
Black Ops 2 most likely or perhaps Assassins Creed 3 ?

What else is a big budget game that could sell millions ? Certainly not Just Dance 4, ZombiU or any other late (more than 6 months) port.

AC3 is my bet.   

Other candidates are Batman: Armored edition and Skylanders.

Thing is neither of them look like they would need a big budget on WiiU. Ubisoft said that late ports only cost $1m to make, so it can't be Batman (though they changed the game a bit. Shouldn't be more than $2m however. Also I know that Ubisoft isn't the publisher of Batman ). Skylanders Giants should've been more expensive to make, since it was developed simultaneously but Skylanders isn't an expensive game to begin with.

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crissindahouse said:
twilight_link said:
crissindahouse said:
i wonder why some nintendo fans don't understand that when it comes to rayman. it's exactly the same, 360 and ps3 onwers wouldn't buy it because it would be a port of an "old" game exactly like mass effect for wii u. but if ubisoft releases it at the same time on all platforms full price is fair for them then.


neither XBOX360 nor PS3 supoport from Ubisoft depend on sales performance of Rayman, in case of WiiU it was promised as exclusive, they failed to stand by their promise, i personally, don't care about Rayman or Ubisoft support, the situation in ME3 case was hardly comparable 

it is comparable because they have to delay the wii u version if they won't loose potential sales for ps3 and 360. if wii u would get the game now, the wii u version would be only 20€ or so when it would release in september for 360/ps3 and with that they could hardly try to get full price with the same game on another console and only 1/3 of the price in the same store. because then, 360/ps3 owners will say the same as wii u owners said to the ports on wii u at release "i won't buy that, it's already much cheaper on other consoles"

and who cares if they "promised" it will be an exclusive? wii u is selling bad and games on that as well (asscreed 3 sold 100k, one of the best-selling games of the last years). ubisoft has to find new ways to sell their game. they already released an excluisve game for wiiu so they already saw how that worked for them financially. everyone who is a rayman fan should look at what is best for rayman and not if that game is promised as exclusive.

they can release the game on WiiU eshop and keep the price at whatever level they want, and in September they can release the game in retail at full price for all platforms, or if the game became failure they can cancel the retail release of the game for WiiU completely

ZombiU is mediocre game it sell relatively well, 300K its not as bad its almost on level of Wii Rayman Origin

Somini said:

The Vita situation is not worse at all. Ubisoft just recently announced that assasins creed had sold 600k on the Vita and that they were quite happy with those numbers.

It's been weird waiting for an opportunity to compare the two consoles wherever a 'big' franchise is concerned.  Where Vita had exclusive (but average to sub-par) titles in the Assassin's Creed & Call of Duty series, Wii-U had decent but ported versions of PS360 games.  So there isn't really a fair comparison there, because evidently even with lesser quality, an exclusive has much bigger pull.

Where comparisons can be made however is in other titles.  Again, you unfortunately have to discount some stuff where Wii-U has had late ports - for example, Madden & FIFA would've been prime for comparing, but the Wii-U versions arrived well after they were relevant.

But there is stuff which I think is alright.  For example, lets take some fighting games.  Vita got Mortal Kombat & UMVC3 as late ports with extra content; Wii-U got Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a late port with extra content.  We're currently tracking Mortal Kombat at 290k sold, and UMVC3 at 170k sold.  Wii-U version of Tekken is on 50k.  Obviously, the Vita versions have had much longer to sell, but even taking that into account, Tekken Tag has sold ~ 5k copies so far this year on Wii-U.  It's evident that it won't catch up to the other two titles in the same timeframe (seems like UMVC3 is undertracked too, doesn't have any sales from Japan).

There's other games we could get into - Rayman on Vita, another late port, is at 290k; Epic Mickey 2 on Wii-U, released day-and-date with the PS360 versions (at least in USA) is at 80k, tracking at ~4k so far for the year.  Or if you don't like that comparison because EM2 was a poorly received title, Skylanders Giants for Wii-U is also at 80k.  Need for Speed: Most Wanted would've been another perfect comparison, but sadly the Wii-U version is going to show up as a late port and will suffer in sales because of it.

Point I'm trying to make, anyway, is that Vita's audience seems much more receptive to ports of games in general, including late ports, than Wii-U's audience is. Probably to do with the fact that it's only competing as a portable gaming system, whereas a large amount of Wii-U owners will probably already own one of the HD twins.  But if you're a publisher looking to make money, that's not going to make much of a difference at the end of the day when one system is producing you more profit than another.

I'll just finish this post by pointing out that it's not all doom and gloom for Wii-U, some third party ports are doing much better than Vita counterparts - namely Sonic & SEGA All-Stars (miles better on Wii-U), and Just Dance 4 is generally doing quite well for a cheap-to-produce game.  The problem lies in the other IP's, and if they're being cancelled because of low sales, then based on the numbers we have here on VGChartz then I can see why.

It's not a fair policy though, and I think at least for the next year Wii-U owners should be given the chance to get some of the bigger games day-and-date with the PS360 versions to see how they hold up.  If they're still doing as poorly as some of the day-and-date games Wii-U has had since it has launched THEN it's time to start pushing panic buttons, but for now I think it's far too early.

Kresnik said:
Somini said:

The Vita situation is not worse at all. Ubisoft just recently announced that assasins creed had sold 600k on the Vita and that they were quite happy with those numbers.

It's been weird waiting for an opportunity to compare the two consoles wherever a 'big' franchise is concerned.  Where Vita had exclusive (but average to sub-par) titles in the Assassin's Creed & Call of Duty series, Wii-U had decent but ported versions of PS360 games.  So there isn't really a fair comparison there, because evidently even with lesser quality, an exclusive has much bigger pull.

Where comparisons can be made however is in other titles.  Again, you unfortunately have to discount some stuff where Wii-U has had late ports - for example, Madden & FIFA would've been prime for comparing, but the Wii-U versions arrived well after they were relevant.

But there is stuff which I think is alright.  For example, lets take some fighting games.  Vita got Mortal Kombat & UMVC3 as late ports with extra content; Wii-U got Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a late port with extra content.  We're currently tracking Mortal Kombat at 290k sold, and UMVC3 at 170k sold.  Wii-U version of Tekken is on 50k.  Obviously, the Vita versions have had much longer to sell, but even taking that into account, Tekken Tag has sold ~ 5k copies so far this year on Wii-U.  It's evident that it won't catch up to the other two titles in the same timeframe (seems like UMVC3 is undertracked too, doesn't have any sales from Japan).

There's other games we could get into - Rayman on Vita, another late port, is at 290k; Epic Mickey 2 on Wii-U, released day-and-date with the PS360 versions (at least in USA) is at 80k, tracking at ~4k so far for the year.  Or if you don't like that comparison because EM2 was a poorly received title, Skylanders Giants for Wii-U is also at 80k.  Need for Speed: Most Wanted would've been another perfect comparison, but sadly the Wii-U version is going to show up as a late port and will suffer in sales because of it.

Point I'm trying to make, anyway, is that Vita's audience seems much more receptive to ports of games in general, including late ports, than Wii-U's audience is. Probably to do with the fact that it's only competing as a portable gaming system, whereas a large amount of Wii-U owners will probably already own one of the HD twins.  But if you're a publisher looking to make money, that's not going to make much of a difference at the end of the day when one system is producing you more profit than another.

I'll just finish this post by pointing out that it's not all doom and gloom for Wii-U, some third party ports are doing much better than Vita counterparts - namely Sonic & SEGA All-Stars (miles better on Wii-U), and Just Dance 4 is generally doing quite well for a cheap-to-produce game.  The problem lies in the other IP's, and if they're being cancelled because of low sales, then based on the numbers we have here on VGChartz then I can see why.

It's not a fair policy though, and I think at least for the next year Wii-U owners should be given the chance to get some of the bigger games day-and-date with the PS360 versions to see how they hold up.  If they're still doing as poorly as some of the day-and-date games Wii-U has had since it has launched THEN it's time to start pushing panic buttons, but for now I think it's far too early.

Sony audience is far more receptive to 3rd party games than their own 1st party games largely because Sony platform adopters are interested in cool factor, they buy whatever is cool, even complete shit like CoD for Vita or bad ports like Skyrim for PS3,


it's is similar to Sega fanbase Dreamcast was console of dreams, it was however not cool enough, Vita is great handheld it's however not cool enough. So nobody care and those who care (Sony core adopters) are far more interested in 3rd party games with cool factor.

NightDragon83 said:
Nintendo REALLY needs to hurry up with Pikmin 3. Beyond that there's hardly any games coming out for the Wii U until fall.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, Wii Fit U, Game and Wario, Pikmin 3 and TW101. All released from March to June. I believe it is a good output, maybe not for your and my tastes, but we can't deny that there will be games (of course if are released).


OT: I can only hope truly Nintendo has enough software and collaborations with japanese devs. Situation is worse and will be even more with the pass of time.

What Nintendo needs to learn is that a Mario 2D works better in a established userbase (Wii) than a launch game (U).

While I don't think that Wii could have replicated its success now, it would have better sales and word of much than Wii U, plus it have maybe one of the best Nintendo launch line-up: a hyped Zelda and a game to show the console potential, plus the promise with actual images of other games like a 3D Mario, Metroid and SSB.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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twilight_link said:

Sony audience is far more receptive to 3rd party games than their own 1st party games largely because Sony platform adopters are interested in cool factor, they buy whatever is cool, even complete shit like CoD for Vita or bad ports like Skyrim for PS3

Yet Nintendo fans are much more receptive to mixed to average dancing games or good but not great karting titles than they are tailored & improved fighting or action games?

Please don't quote me again unless you've got something more constructive to say than your last post =/

Kresnik said:
twilight_link said:

Sony audience is far more receptive to 3rd party games than their own 1st party games largely because Sony platform adopters are interested in cool factor, they buy whatever is cool, even complete shit like CoD for Vita or bad ports like Skyrim for PS3

Yet Nintendo fans are much more receptive to mixed to average dancing games or good but not great karting titles than they are tailored & improved fighting or action games?

Please don't quote me again unless you've got something more constructive to say than your last post =/


are dancing games part of Nintendo core customers, are Kinect games part of xbox360 core fanbase, of course Sonic sells well on Nintendo platforms, this is expected.

in case of Tekken is not Tekken one of early Playstation sales miracle, which over time become buried alive as most Playstation IP's and as it should be noted with most Japanese gameindustry

leatherhat said:
gigantor21 said:
Just saw this on GAF myself.

Nintendo is going to have to prove the system is worth the investment with their own offerings. That's the only thing that will change their minds at this point.

Beyond that, I can't think of any third party game on the Wii U that released this early that could've sold millions just 3 months in. Even if the system had met it's shipment targets.

Its not that they though it should have sold millions at launch but that it should be on track to do so at this time. And if it was COD or AC they are talking about then it really should have been. 


People who wanted those most likely got it early on the PS3 or 360. The people most willing to get a Wii U new and early--i.e. the Nintendo diehards--would not have bought the system for that in the first place. Both are part of well established franchises that people were entirely happy to play without the Gamepad for years. Nor is the Wii U is so vastly superior in performance that people would notice a difference there either.

Sounds more to me like they're mad they didn't get away with being lazy. 

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


gigantor21 said:
leatherhat said:
gigantor21 said:
Just saw this on GAF myself.

Nintendo is going to have to prove the system is worth the investment with their own offerings. That's the only thing that will change their minds at this point.

Beyond that, I can't think of any third party game on the Wii U that released this early that could've sold millions just 3 months in. Even if the system had met it's shipment targets.

Its not that they though it should have sold millions at launch but that it should be on track to do so at this time. And if it was COD or AC they are talking about then it really should have been. 


People who wanted those most likely got it early on the PS3 or 360. The people most willing to get a Wii U new and early--i.e. the Nintendo diehards--would not have bought the system for that in the first place. Both are part of well established franchises that people were entirely happy to play without the Gamepad for years. Nor is the Wii U is so vastly superior in performance that people would notice a difference there either.

Sounds more to me like they're mad they didn't get away with being lazy. 

Seriously, even declassified is on track for a million and that game was universally panned. 

Bolded- Which is why they don't get any games

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

I hope they dont abandon the wii u its awesome