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crissindahouse said:
twilight_link said:
crissindahouse said:
i wonder why some nintendo fans don't understand that when it comes to rayman. it's exactly the same, 360 and ps3 onwers wouldn't buy it because it would be a port of an "old" game exactly like mass effect for wii u. but if ubisoft releases it at the same time on all platforms full price is fair for them then.


neither XBOX360 nor PS3 supoport from Ubisoft depend on sales performance of Rayman, in case of WiiU it was promised as exclusive, they failed to stand by their promise, i personally, don't care about Rayman or Ubisoft support, the situation in ME3 case was hardly comparable 

it is comparable because they have to delay the wii u version if they won't loose potential sales for ps3 and 360. if wii u would get the game now, the wii u version would be only 20€ or so when it would release in september for 360/ps3 and with that they could hardly try to get full price with the same game on another console and only 1/3 of the price in the same store. because then, 360/ps3 owners will say the same as wii u owners said to the ports on wii u at release "i won't buy that, it's already much cheaper on other consoles"

and who cares if they "promised" it will be an exclusive? wii u is selling bad and games on that as well (asscreed 3 sold 100k, one of the best-selling games of the last years). ubisoft has to find new ways to sell their game. they already released an excluisve game for wiiu so they already saw how that worked for them financially. everyone who is a rayman fan should look at what is best for rayman and not if that game is promised as exclusive.

they can release the game on WiiU eshop and keep the price at whatever level they want, and in September they can release the game in retail at full price for all platforms, or if the game became failure they can cancel the retail release of the game for WiiU completely

ZombiU is mediocre game it sell relatively well, 300K its not as bad its almost on level of Wii Rayman Origin