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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MCV: "Devil May Cry fans to blame for DmC sales disappointment"

RolStoppable said:
Wyrdness said:
RolStoppable said:
Just like Metroid fans were to blame for Other M sales disappointment. The incontinence of gaming journalism never ceases to amaze and disgust at the same time.

OM actually sold quite well tbh considering it's a Metroid game that split fans 1.1m doesn't really send a message to Nintendo.

The game clearly missed its sales expectations and a good chunk of those copies were sold at discounts, because retailers had to get rid of excess stock. That should be message enough. If it isn't, then Nintendo may consider to replace their executives with monkeys, because they can be paid with bananas and that will help their bottom line.

Reggie back in 2009 had suggested they expected the game to double the sales of Metroid Prime 3's ceiling of 1.5 - 2 million.  They thought it had major appeal to fans who were turned off by the direction the series took into FPS territory.  They were wrong!

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

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A203D said:
Rafux said:
A203D said:
That is a sensationalist article. This is a sales site. I encourage users to check the numbers:

DMC4 week 1/2 sales:

DmC week 1 sales:

Year on year sales are down. This game is coming in at the end of the console cycle.

And DMC4 had much weaker competition.

Capcom made those sales predictions last year assuming the game would enter the market in the same conditions as DMC4.

The point is its just a bad time to release a new IP or a reboot. DmC has actually done pretty well in my opinion. What Capcom need to do now is release a special edition of the game next year in the same conditions DMC4 entered the market. Because this game isn't about DMC fans buying the game, its about getting new players to do that. New players WILL NOT buy this game at this point in the console cycle.

Personally I think the sales are good, not great, not bad, but good!

Forecast lowered from 5M to 2M, then from 2M to 1.2M

Yea I'm sure Capcom is very happy with this good numbers, but keep spining it I enjoy all the delicious tears.

The article in the OP is a 'spin' itself.

Are these so called DMC fans to blame for the year on year decline of every game in the chart?

DMC4 came out as a launch title, with much weaker comeptition.

Capcom should've waited until the PS4/720 launch to relaunch the DMC brand, it was dangerous releasing a reboot or a new IP at this stage in a consoles life cycle.

Capcom still have that option by releasing a special edtion of the game, like they did for DMC3 or Resdent Evil 5, to relaunch the game on the new consoles.

That being said, Capcom have never said they expected DmC to sell 5 mil copies. They forecast 2 mil sales for the end of the fiscal year (March 2013). The game won't immeditiately stop selling after March 2013. We have two weeks of sales data. I don't make predictions about games after two weeks of data.

Capcom made those sales predictions under the impression DmC would end the same market DMC4, that is not the case. That was their mistake! Either way I think the game will do fine. Its sold 0.7 mil copies in two weeks, thats not actually that bad!

Capcom wanted DmC to sell 5M initially:

That was the whole point of westernize the franchise, to get the God of War audience and sell more, they will sell less than DMC4. Failure.

DMC3 and RE5 Special editions are not a good comparison because they were made for the same console the original titles came out. RE4 on the other hand first release on GC, then PS2 and then the special edition (Wii Edition) did came out for a new generation console at the time and it only sold because of the motion controls.

DMC4 was not a launch title, PS3 launch in 2006 and Xbox 360 in 2005. Games released in 2007 would be launch titles but DMC4 came out in 2008.

DMC2 was so bad it almost killed the franchise, sold a lot less than DMC1 thats why DMC3 initially didn't sell as well because fans were still burn by DMC2 but when they got to play it they discover it was the best and thats why the DMC3 Special Edition sold so well and overall DMC3 is the best selling title so far also DMC4 (2.73 M on PS3/360) has probably sold 2.99M (DMC1) with the PC version and digital downloads.

DmC dropped 80% in its second week, thats horrible. The people who wanted it had buy it already.

There are ways to sucessfully reinvent a series.... that was not how you sucessully reinvent a series.....


ils411 said:
curl-6 said:
thismeintiel said:
curl-6 said:

That comment doesn't really address mine as I am clearly referring to the hair colour whiners, not everyone who disliked the game. I also never implied that nobody gave the game a chance.

You do realize that there is NO ONE who hated this game purely on his hair color?  When the first image was shown, yes, a lot of people hated it.  But that was more because he looked like a crackhead emo kid, not because he didn't have white hair.  Then, when the demo came out, fans moved on to more substanative complaints, like difficulty, controls, and combat.  The only ones who continually brought up the hair was the people defending the game, just so they could make the original fans, in their minds at least, look like shallow gamers.  Of course, this was far from the truth.  And they have voted with their wallets.

I see people all over the web still bitching about the character's new look, including his hair. Those are the ones I'm having a go at, because it's  such an insignificant thing to complain about.

I have to disagree, its quite significant. Those bithcing about how they changed dante's apearance, plus they made his hair black are those who started playing DMC duirng the PS2 era and actually loved the franchise and Dante. They liked the game play, they liked Dante for being Dante. Now, you take away the white hair, his traditional costumes, everthing and then you turn him into this black haired emo guy who doesnt remotely look like what Dante use to look like, then you got a new character with the same name. But that new character isn't "Dante", he's some new emo crap ass with the same name.

ITs one thing to modernize something or even re-invent someone, it happens all the time in comics, like how Thor has gone through a bunch of costume and look changes but he still retained his features. The golden long hair, that hammer and stuff. Even superman has gone through a bunch of iterations, but clearly, even with different costumes, power sets and shit, he still looked liked Superman. Now if you changed the face, thats not superman anymore.

It would have been better if CAPCOM rebooted the franchise with that new emo dood but instead of making him dante, they should have instead made a new character. Much like how Konami tried to pass the tourch to Raiden from Snake in Metal Gear, it didn't work much but at least people didnt bitch about why Soldi suddenly turned into this new guy.

Another example would by Ryu in Breath of FIre. Inevery breath of fire game from 1-4 (didnt bother with 5), Ryu has always been the dragon child. But in every iteration, the story has always been different, the back story, the plot, everything was not the same, but Ryu stayed constant as the dragon child with blue hair. Different story, different settings, same character, with zero explanation as to why he's the hero again..worked for me.

Mess with the story, mess with the plot, mess with the origin, but never ever mess with the established character itself.  I'm sorry but anyone who thinks that its not a big deal that they changed Dante is just plain stupid and Ignorant.  Its like Lucas going, hey, lets go re-make starwars, but instead of luke with the blond hair and black overalls, lets make the main into a huge ass muscle guy with green glasses! yeah! that'll work and no one will mind.

Zelda went from a regal, brown-haired princess to a bubbly blonde daughter of a schoolmaster in Skyward Sword. Starbuck went from male to female in the new Battlestar Galactica. The Joker went through a hell of a change from Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, ditto for Catwoman. Established characters are reinvented  all the time.

I don't see how such a reinvention can ruin a game by itself. One would have to be more attached to the character design than to the gameplay, which strikes me as silly.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
curl-6 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

They cant just bring back Kamiya after he left them for Platinum Games. Bayonetta has great gameplay but sucks everywhere else from camera to, presentation, story character balance and more. Gameplay is Kamiyas nitch and thats it.

Bayonetta doesn't suck in presentation, the graphics and music are awesome. But at any rate, I'd say 80% of a game's value is gameplay, so that's the important part.

Sure if you're into the decades late, choppy, rather than fluid animations and stylistic approach. I loved the game but it lacked everywhere but gameplay. Gameplay is important  but if you want the world to be believable thats you must formulate all accordingly to make one great cohesive unit. I respect your opinion though, but I love all hack n slash. My argument is that compared to the Japanese made ones westerners focus on polish in animations and creating an all around package ontop of gameplay. The best I've ever seen from the Japanese as an all around hack n slash was probably Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (pointless storyline though) and Devil May Cry 3.

Animations weren't the best, but I didn't find them bad. Add in the awesome creature design, 60fps clip, epic music, (Hyper-pop version of Fly Me to the Moon = amazing) and it seemed like a pretty impressive presentation to me. The whole style really did it for me, I loved the combination of over-the-top humour, sexuality, and violence, all done with a knowing campiness. Reminds me of one of those "so bad they're good" movies.

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curl-6 said:

Zelda went from a regal, brown-haired princess to a bubbly blonde daughter of a schoolmaster in Skyward Sword. Starbuck went from male to female in the new Battlestar Galactica. The Joker went through a hell of a change from Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, ditto for Catwoman. Established characters are reinvented  all the time.

I don't see how such a reinvention can ruin a game by itself. One would have to be more attached to the character design than to the gameplay, which strikes me as silly.

And we care about zelda we dont, its link we actually care about. He could go on a new adventure and go save some smurfs and we'd still like him. Link has stayed the same more or less through the decade and the fans love him. The hell with zelda

Starbuck who?

You're talking about actors, but sure, I'll bite. Sure, he's gone from jack ncholson to heather and yet he retained his "demon clown" face. He's darker, he's more sinister, but the general overall apearance is still recognizable.

Catwan...soooo..what about he? She still has that leather thingy, that cat thingy, and the only exception is hely berry or howerver her name is spelled. Catwoman returned to form in the last batman played by whats her face.

All of your "arguments" just helped mine.

There is a difference between re inventing a character as oppose to making a new one. Case in point, using your examples, Link has mostly stayed the same. The joker, though played by different actors was made darker and more sinister but still recognizable as the joker. Catwoman, no matter the iteration, still feels and looks like catwoman.

Now take ":Dante" and this new "Emo Dante" and place them side by side and ask anyone if they even remotely remind you of the other. Better yet, just grab a picture of both without any lables and ask ps2 era gamers who dante is, chances are they'd point to the white haired one.

If you still dont get it, I'll point you to IRONMAN. He has had a multitude of different armors ranging from mark 1 to the hulk buster armor. And yet, even if you dont know that that huge hulk buster armor was ironman, you'd still come to the conclusion that that huge iron armored guy is indeed ironman..why? yellow and red man! yellow and red armor! Thats reinvention, now this new dante is not a reinvention but a new character with the same name as dante.

And again, if you still dont get it, then I'm sorry man, but those who were hurt by capcom by destroying their beloved datne arent' the shallow ones, but the shallow one who doens't understand is you.

edit: I forgot, lets apply your logic to films. lets say in the last harry potter movie, they go out and change daniel redclief into a new actor. How would that grab you? fans would go WTF?!!!!! Who is that turd!!

another example. Fans went WTF!!! when in DBZ they tried to make Gohan the new hero! didnt work! why? The fans cared about goku

another example. People bitched about MGS2, why? who da fuk is dis Raiden guy?! We want snnnnaaakee!!!!!

Its not silly, gameplay isn't the only thing that helps games become successfull.

ils411 said:
curl-6 said:

Zelda went from a regal, brown-haired princess to a bubbly blonde daughter of a schoolmaster in Skyward Sword. Starbuck went from male to female in the new Battlestar Galactica. The Joker went through a hell of a change from Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, ditto for Catwoman. Established characters are reinvented  all the time.

I don't see how such a reinvention can ruin a game by itself. One would have to be more attached to the character design than to the gameplay, which strikes me as silly.

And we care about zelda we dont, its link we actually care about. He could go on a new adventure and go save some smurfs and we'd still like him. Link has stayed the same more or less through the decade and the fans love him. The hell with zelda

Starbuck who?

You're talking about actors, but sure, I'll bite. Sure, he's gone from jack ncholson to heather and yet he retained his "demon clown" face. He's darker, he's more sinister, but the general overall apearance is still recognizable.

Catwan...soooo..what about he? She still has that leather thingy, that cat thingy, and the only exception is hely berry or howerver her name is spelled. Catwoman returned to form in the last batman played by whats her face.

All of your "arguments" just helped mine.

There is a difference between re inventing a character as oppose to making a new one. Case in point, using your examples, Link has mostly stayed the same. The joker, though played by different actors was made darker and more sinister but still recognizable as the joker. Catwoman, no matter the iteration, still feels and looks like catwoman.

Now take ":Dante" and this new "Emo Dante" and place them side by side and ask anyone if they even remotely remind you of the other. Better yet, just grab a picture of both without any lables and ask ps2 era gamers who dante is, chances are they'd point to the white haired one.

If you still dont get it, I'll point you to IRONMAN. He has had a multitude of different armors ranging from mark 1 to the hulk buster armor. And yet, even if you dont know that that huge hulk buster armor was ironman, you'd still come to the conclusion that that huge iron armored guy is indeed ironman..why? yellow and red man! yellow and red armor! Thats reinvention, now this new dante is not a reinvention but a new character with the same name as dante.

And again, if you still dont get it, then I'm sorry man, but those who were hurt by capcom by destroying their beloved datne arent' the shallow ones, but the shallow one who doens't understand is you.

edit: I forgot, lets apply your logic to films. lets say in the last harry potter movie, they go out and change daniel redclief into a new actor. How would that grab you? fans would go WTF?!!!!! Who is that turd!!

another example. Fans went WTF!!! when in DBZ they tried to make Gohan the new hero! didnt work! why? The fans cared about goku

another example. People bitched about MGS2, why? who da fuk is dis Raiden guy?! We want snnnnaaakee!!!!!

Its not silly, gameplay isn't the only thing that helps games become successfull.

From Batman Returns to The Dark Knight Rises, Catwoman went from a blonde with a head-covering mask an shiny leather to a brunette whose "mask" only covered her eyes and whose costume was no longer shiny black. Her appearance changed dramatically.

Starbuck who? Quite a dramatic character change, no?

And I'm sorry too, but prioritising a character's appearance in a VIDEO GAME over the actual gameplay is shallow in my book.


^ I have to say something about the character change, for me its not the physical change in Dante what bothers me its the essence in its character what really bothers me and I'm gonna have to use a comparison to explain my point:

Lets take 2009 Dragon Ball Evolution, its almost immposible to adapt DB to begin with and I knew the story would not be the same but all I wanted is that at least they maintain the essence of the characters, they didn't.

Movie Goku now has romantic interests, goes to parties, avoid fights, and says things like "I don't know if I can do this"

Thats not Goku, they failed to capture even his most basic traits.

Now lets see Dante:

Old Dante doesn't smoke, he doesn't curse, he is a goofy laid back guy who doesn't take things seriously until the moment of truth comes, he is sexy but not overly sexual, he is half-demon and half-human and thats what makes him so strong the human part in him makes us relate to him more. 

New Dante curses, smokes, drinks, has treesomes, is no longer human, punches a door guy who was just doing his job. Thats not Dante.


Batman and Joker are reinvented all the time but their basic traits remain, Batman doesn't kill, Joker is crazy, etc.

Rafux said:


^ I have to say something about the character change, for me its not the physical change in Dante what bothers me its the essence in its character what really bothers me and I'm gonna have to use a comparison to explain my point:

Lets take 2009 Dragon Ball Evolution, its almost immposible to adapt DB to begin with and I knew the story would not be the same but all I wanted is that at least they maintain the essence of the characters, they didn't.

Movie Goku now has romantic interests, goes to parties, avoid fights, and says things like "I don't know if I can do this"

Thats not Goku, they failed to capture even his most basic traits.

Now lets see Dante:

Old Dante doesn't smoke, he doesn't curse, he is a goofy laid back guy who doesn't take things seriously until the moment of truth comes, he is sexy but not overly sexual, he is half-demon and half-human and thats what makes him so strong the human part in him makes us relate to him more. 

New Dante curses, smokes, drinks, has treesomes, is no longer human, punches a door guy who was just doing his job. Thats not Dante.


Batman and Joker are reinvented all the time but their basic traits remain, Batman doesn't kill, Joker is crazy, etc.

Not all characters that change keep their basic traits; Godzilla went from being a horrific nuclear menace to a benevolent protector.

Now, I'm not saying people have to LIKE changes to characters, but dramatic change has been accepted before.

sales2099 said:
JGarret said:
sales2099 said:
Gotta say this is as it should be. This reinvention looks very uninspired and looks like a total douche. Old Dante had flair

Damn right

He looks like a prick in both types. Never thought that a bishounen with silver hair would be seen as cool by the hivemind who generally hate Japanese male characters.

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