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curl-6 said:

Zelda went from a regal, brown-haired princess to a bubbly blonde daughter of a schoolmaster in Skyward Sword. Starbuck went from male to female in the new Battlestar Galactica. The Joker went through a hell of a change from Jack Nicholson to Heath Ledger, ditto for Catwoman. Established characters are reinvented  all the time.

I don't see how such a reinvention can ruin a game by itself. One would have to be more attached to the character design than to the gameplay, which strikes me as silly.

And we care about zelda we dont, its link we actually care about. He could go on a new adventure and go save some smurfs and we'd still like him. Link has stayed the same more or less through the decade and the fans love him. The hell with zelda

Starbuck who?

You're talking about actors, but sure, I'll bite. Sure, he's gone from jack ncholson to heather and yet he retained his "demon clown" face. He's darker, he's more sinister, but the general overall apearance is still recognizable.

Catwan...soooo..what about he? She still has that leather thingy, that cat thingy, and the only exception is hely berry or howerver her name is spelled. Catwoman returned to form in the last batman played by whats her face.

All of your "arguments" just helped mine.

There is a difference between re inventing a character as oppose to making a new one. Case in point, using your examples, Link has mostly stayed the same. The joker, though played by different actors was made darker and more sinister but still recognizable as the joker. Catwoman, no matter the iteration, still feels and looks like catwoman.

Now take ":Dante" and this new "Emo Dante" and place them side by side and ask anyone if they even remotely remind you of the other. Better yet, just grab a picture of both without any lables and ask ps2 era gamers who dante is, chances are they'd point to the white haired one.

If you still dont get it, I'll point you to IRONMAN. He has had a multitude of different armors ranging from mark 1 to the hulk buster armor. And yet, even if you dont know that that huge hulk buster armor was ironman, you'd still come to the conclusion that that huge iron armored guy is indeed ironman..why? yellow and red man! yellow and red armor! Thats reinvention, now this new dante is not a reinvention but a new character with the same name as dante.

And again, if you still dont get it, then I'm sorry man, but those who were hurt by capcom by destroying their beloved datne arent' the shallow ones, but the shallow one who doens't understand is you.

edit: I forgot, lets apply your logic to films. lets say in the last harry potter movie, they go out and change daniel redclief into a new actor. How would that grab you? fans would go WTF?!!!!! Who is that turd!!

another example. Fans went WTF!!! when in DBZ they tried to make Gohan the new hero! didnt work! why? The fans cared about goku

another example. People bitched about MGS2, why? who da fuk is dis Raiden guy?! We want snnnnaaakee!!!!!

Its not silly, gameplay isn't the only thing that helps games become successfull.